Not really.
Shield 19/20:
Abbott 5 games, 14 wickets @ 29.78; Steketee 7 games, 27 wickets @ 24.64
Shield 18/19:
Abbott 8 games, 37 wickets @ 22.29; Steketee 9 games, 42 wickets @ 20.76
Shield 17/18:
Abbott 5 games, 11 wickets @ 51.63; Steketee 5 games, 11 wickets @ 34.09
Career FC average:
Abbott (28yo) 58 games, 160 wickets @ 32.53. Econ 3.14, SR 62.0
Steketee (26yo) 42 games, 144 wickets @ 26.77. Econ 2.94, SR 54.5
I'm a firm believer that the numbers don't lie. It's a different discussion with the white ball but if we're talking the longer form of the game it's clear who is better.