Battle of the Worst Commentators

Can we change this to battle of the worst sports commentators?

Every single one of my votes goes to Nicole Stevenson.
Halligan quite clearly winning this one.

Next battle:

Chris Bombolas v Wally Lewis
Lewis - seriously someone needs to tell him to keep his responses to questions under three and a half minutes...
Bombalas by plenty! His favourite line: "what's happening here?!?!??"
Meat77 said:
Lewis - seriously someone needs to tell him to keep his responses to questions under three and a half minutes...

+1 they can tell him to leave his Titans jersey at home to.
Wally doesn't seem to be getting any better with more commentary experience, still sounds like he's reading the news all the time.

Having said that, Bombolas still gets the chocolates.
Bomber for sure. Pre op wally was a challenge but hes got plenty better since.