RUMOUR Bellamy - 10 Year Deal

No, we have a word which has a specific meaning and that is 'one if a kind'. We have words which describe rare or unusual and we use them for that purpose. Something cannot be a bit unique, it either is or isn't. It's misused daily nowadays.
Language evolves. Stop correcting me based on what you learned at school in the late 1800s.
Fair dinkum can we get a pedantry thread split off too? I reckon Huge is the type who'd constantly interject into other people's conversations to tell everyone that actually scales measure mass, not weight but I might be wrong about that.

Well, you're not wong mate. Just depends on the gravity of the situation.
Language evolves. Stop correcting me based on what you learned at school in the late 1800s.
Language evolves, some people don't. So, we now need a new word for 'one of a kind' because poorly educated dolts cannot handle correction and won't accept they misused a word. Mmmmm, okay.
Language evolves, some people don't. So, we now need a new word for 'one of a kind' because poorly educated dolts cannot handle correction and won't accept they misused a word. Mmmmm, okay.

G'day big fella hope things are good out west. When you get a bit of downtime you may wish to peruse this article, I trust you'll find it enjoyable even if you are unable to bring yourself to agree with its conclusion. But in the main you may also wish to refrain from labelling others with such cruel epithets as "poorly educated dolts" merely because your own education did not anticipate the word in question having both strict and expanded meanings.

I've included a brief quote for those among us who lack your particular devotion to scholarship and thereby might not read the linked article. I should be sad indeed were our fellow BHQers denied the light of knowledge.
'Unique' is often cited as a word that should never be modified, as its original meanings were "being the only one" and "unequaled." But 'unique' has another meaning, "unusual," and it's common to modify the word when it's used this way. ... Our evidence shows that very unique is much more frequently used in spoken English than in professionally edited writing, which means that it is understood to be more informal and should be used with care. Though there is no strict rule of grammar that prevents modifying these adjectives, we must remember to be very careful.
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Yes, things can be less unique or almost unique for example 2 or 3 of a kind but things can not be ‘more’ or ‘so’ unique because nothing can be unique past the point of one of a kind.

Now of course it you are using it in the strict mathematical sense the meaning becomes more rigid and can only mean one of a kind, but if you have a capacity to understand context you will notice that it was being used conversationally.
Believe it or not, but uniques is the plural noun of unique, so thats a conundrum when you think about it, hmm!
Language evolves, some people don't. So, we now need a new word for 'one of a kind' because poorly educated dolts cannot handle correction and won't accept they misused a word. Mmmmm, okay.

Like those poorly educated dolts at...*checks notes* the Oxford Dictionary.


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G'day big fella hope things are good out west. When you get a bit of downtime you may wish to peruse this article, I trust you'll find it enjoyable even if you are unable to bring yourself to agree with its conclusion. But in the main you may also wish to refrain from labelling others with such cruel epithets as "poorly educated dolts" merely because your own education did not anticipate the word in question having both strict and expanded meanings.

I've included a brief quote for those among us who lack your particular devotion to scholarship and thereby might not read the linked article. I should be sad indeed were our fellow BHQers denied the light of knowledge.
I feel sick. I was wrong. APPARENTLY YOU CAN use unique to mean unusual.

**** the universe. Hate being wrong.
I feel sick. I was wrong. APPARENTLY YOU CAN use unique to mean unusual.

**** the universe. Hate being wrong.
Don't get down over it cobber, happens to the best of us at times. It's just an opportunity to learn something new. As my old mate said:
What is the first business of one who practices philosophy? To get rid of self-conceit. For it is impossible for anyone to begin to learn that which he thinks he already knows.
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I feel sick. I was wrong. APPARENTLY YOU CAN use unique to mean unusual.

**** the universe. Hate being wrong.
Takes a big man (Huge) to admit when they are wrong, happens to all of us at some stage, unfortunately some people can't admit it even when they are, first Gallen now this, give yourself a pat on the back Huge, and have a $ on the double Broncos & Storm on Sunday, should be able to buy a nice bottle of red and some cheese with the winnings, might come up short on the other though
Takes a big man (Huge) to admit when they are wrong, happens to all of us at some stage, unfortunately some people can't admit it even when they are, first Gallen now this, give yourself a pat on the back Huge, and have a $ on the double Broncos & Storm on Sunday, should be able to buy a nice bottle of red and some cheese with the winnings, might come up short on the other though
Takes a bigger man to stop being a pretentious cockwit in every single interaction he’s involved in
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And an even bigger man to not exaggerate another's offences. Every single interaction? **** you.
Takes a bigger man to stop being a pretentious cockwit in every single interaction he’s involved in