BHQ Tenpin Bowling (aka Where's Coxy?)

Well if Tee didn't spend all his time flirting with dudes then we'd be done so much quicker.
But you sucked at sandwich making.
Cause I was too missing making up for all you three sucking at bowling - we only won because of me.
I do believe my score was the highest in game 3. And I tied game 1!
I'm not going to be impressed until I get a sandwich.
Pigs knuckle sammich would be good.
Flutterby said:
OK - what type of sandwich? Knuckle ok with you?

I'll have a pork one since you'r making thanks. Make yourself a knuckle one if you want. After you've made mine though. brother said he got 220 on Sunday night. That's orsm, right? Dunno if he's got a handicap.
Well considering 300 is a perfect score, then yeah I'd say 220 is pretty good icon_smile

He probably wouldn't have a handicap as yet as usually handicaps are calculated after the first 3 weeks - but I will check it out

HOWEVER ............. keep in mind the league he plays in counts a 9 as a strike, so he might have bowled a. whole bunch of 9s which would boost his in reality score immensely.