BHQ Tenpin Bowling (aka Where's Coxy?)

Nashy said:
Wild child hey. Imagine that in the sack. In 3 years time.

3 years time? Pffft, according to Catherine Deveny she should've been doing it for 2 years already.
I was watching the bowling show on Briz 31 earlier, they had some tips I'm keen to try out. Might see if I can get in a practice round sometime.
Just the analog, not the digital.

Best channel on tv.
I remember watching the old dude make these orsm landscape paintings in Briz 31. Pretty much an epic channel.
I remember when I was at uni they used to have a Crossword quiz show on Briz 31. Was compulsory viewing in my household - esp pissed (OK, we were always pissed when watching it)
OMG!!!! Jeremey reckons he's going to quit bowling to take up professional wrestling! Apparently it's not a joke.
He can break a bone out there and I'm talking any part of a bone!
Graeme goes to me last night "Jeremy wants to quit bowling", me: "Why?" Him: "Promise you won't laugh?", me: "of course I won't", him "He wants to take up professional wrestling", me: - busting all my internal organs trying really hard not to laugh.
This weeks scores

Game 1:

Flutzy 81 (164)
Tee 100 (180)
Nashy 125
Fozzzzzzz 120 (200)

Game 2

Flutzy 115 (198)
Tee 114 (194)
Nashy 78
Fozz 90 (170)

Game 3

Flutzy 150 (233)
Tee 119 (199)
Nashy 104
Fozz 126 (206)

Dunno why Nashy doesn't have a handicap score. Stupid pre-bowl.