BHQ Tenpin Bowling (aka Where's Coxy?)

Oh no - the pressure of having to perform in front of Kris.

Start at 6.30.
hahahaha bull shit. 51%..... I'll take that bet and bet you a dollar you don't turn up. And if you don't you'll be known as a dogs dog....... Oh yeah....I went there.... boyah!
Ummm...pretty sure 51% is more than 50%! And who did you chill with at the Leagues Club last away game?!?

Nah, Imma turn up...I told you, I'm not gyming it.

ETA: 6:46pm.
i still call BS...... Prove me wrong :)

also if you turn up i'll let you motor boat me :)
HAHAHA. Motorboating totally lures people in to turn up in these BHQ gatherings!

I will see you guys at 6:46.
Breaking News:

Where's Coxy will have a special guest star this week!!!
I dunno - are you a star???? Well are ya?

However, events of today lead me to ask the question - is it actually Nashy that is dogging Kris? eusa_think
I'm sick. Leave me alone. Kris. Don't wreck my average or I'll marry Melay and we'll be related.
Haha, I suck at bowling...well, I'm not THAT bad...but yeah.

I don't want you to be my brother-in-law. EEW.
Best you bowl good then. We could fire Megan and have you in our team!
Thanks a lot, guys. My carpal tunnel is back!
Relax Nashy - she got added to our team as a substitute so her scores will in no way affect your average. (PS Megan didn't show tonight either - hmmmmmm)

Anyway, I didn't get the scoresheet tonight. Suffice it to say that I sucked majorly in the first two games - but came back in game 3.

We (in 5th) played the second placed team tonight and actually took a game off them - WOOHOO!!! (the fact Jeremy and Graeme weren't there might have helped, but hey we'll take it). Unfortunately this had the added downside of allowing Pete's team (in 1st place) to move further ahead on the ladder.

And on the young lovers. Well Tammy was so distraught that Jeremy broke up with her she punched the crap out of one of her classmates and got suspended from school. But I think the young twosome are now back together - but Tee was the one talking to her, so he knows more details.
Wild child hey. Imagine that in the sack. In 3 years time.

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