BHQ Tenpin Bowling (aka Where's Coxy?)

Personally I was completely shite tonight (I think it was the shock and devastation over the Storm's rorting - f***ing Storm, ruined my bowling as well):

Flutterby: 89
Tee: 120
Nashy: 85
Fozz: 73

Flutterby: 80
Tee: 126
Nashy: 138
Fozz: 102

Flutterby: 127
Tee: 87
Nashy: 104
Fozz: 133
I've been watching this thread closely...I'm playing bowling tomorrow night (not at the Hyperhole, sorry Flutterby). I wanna see how bad you guys are compared to me.

PS I have Carpal Tunnel so I will suck.
You're not playing at Hyperbowl??? Oh well you miss the fun - and the lane conditions will be shit wherever you are playing.
Yeah Hyperhole is good! But we are being cheap so we are going to play at Woodridge! Thug Life!!!
People get out of their cars in Woodridge? Or is it some fancy drive in bowling place.
Hey $18 unlimited games for 3hours is worth getting bashed/shot by bogans!
Flutterby said:
Let me know how many you end up playing before giving up in despair after guttering so many.

Haha, looks like I might be going to the Hyperhole! Flutterby, can you hook me up with some cheap games? Lol.

Apparently Woodridge is fully booked. FML.
Pffft. I'm giving them good business. 2 lanes for $25 each person!

PS. I talked to a very lovely chap when I rang before. Promote him!
Our balls have never seen the likes of you before Kris.