BHQ Tenpin Bowling (aka Where's Coxy?)

ethos said:
I'm just posting in here to brag really..

Went bowling tonight, scored 161. Mind you, we had bumpers but I still got 5 strikes in total and 4 in a row. 8-)

Bumpers? Dude hang your head in shame. You take 100 off for bumpers for anyone over 16 - so you got 61
Flutterby said:
ethos said:
I'm just posting in here to brag really..

Went bowling tonight, scored 161. Mind you, we had bumpers but I still got 5 strikes in total and 4 in a row. 8-)

Bumpers? Dude hang your head in shame. You take 100 off for bumpers for anyone over 16 - so you got 61

So I'd be on par with you guys right? :P

Five strikes don't lie..
61 is even worse than my worst effort.

Man, Tee could beat that.

Now on to the real bowlers amongst us.

Once again Nashy and I carried the team as the below scores will reflect:

Game 1
FB 134 (219) - Personal Best Highest Score Ever!!!! Oh Yeah!!!!
Tee 93 (173)
Nashy 143 (212)
Fozz 68 (146)

Game 2
FB 117 (202)
Tee 88 (168)
Nashy 135 (204)
Fozz 101 (179)

Game 3
FB 105 (190)
Tee 63 (143)
Nashy 109 (178)
Fozz 95 (173)

Now Fozz indeed did disgrace the team - not just with his bowling but with his drinking. The night started out good for Fozzy with a Bundy and Coke stubby. Then it just went weird when he came back from the bar with a lavendar daquiri - complete with little umbrella, swizzle stick and mini-straw [icon_non . Then things went from bad to worse when he migrated back to the manly Bundy - but first saw fit to put the umbrella and swizzle stick in the stubby. Once we'd dealt with that, we thought all was safe before we saw him with the Bundy poured into the very female daquiri glass. As we looked on in horror he then proceeded to spill pretty much the entire glass down his shirtfront instead of down his throat. [icon_drun

In other news, we lost count of the number of bets that Tee made and lost with various people throughout the night (although young Mitch was looking forward to their rendevouz in the carpark and was terribly disappointed when their bet ended in a draw thus rendering it null and void).

And for all those eagerly following the machinations of the young 13 year olds relationship - a week in and they are officially dating. Ahhhh young love is in the air.
I swear to god, I thought that was just going to be an alchoholic version of a slurpee.

Jeza, let's go bowling some time.
Fozz said:
I swear to god, I thought that was just going to be an alchoholic version of a slurpee.

Jeza, let's go bowling some time.

Could probably manage that one day [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1.
ethos said:
I'm just posting in here to brag really..

Went bowling tonight, scored 161. Mind you, we had bumpers but I still got 5 strikes in total and 4 in a row. 8-)

WTF? Who uses bumpers?!? [icon_lol1.
OK, so I know you're all hanging out for a Jeremy/Tammy love match update.

Well seems our young lovebirds have been spending A LOT of time together. They went skating on Friday and then he took her to his Youth Group on Friday night. And basically are constantly on the phone when they are apart.

Oh and yes they did it (kissed I mean - that's as far as 13 year old go isn't it?)
Whoo! Good, clean and legal fun!

Squealer to Taser Lord, Squealer to Taser Lord: Abort, abort, abort!
How the **** did we do that??? [icon_shru
Woohoo! Credit to you, Nashy and Tee because I know I sucked balls that night.
My apologies. Recently Telstra decided to be idiots and fucked our account. Causing our line to be disconnected. The net still isn't back, but next door won't mind me stealing theirs.... new Office 2010 is good...

Anyway. The night started off well for the two admins, but that was as far as they could push it. We had a Tee Dummy Spit (TDS) for a good 4 frames of the second game. He was so focused on giving Pete shit that he forgot to bowl. Of course we politely advised him of his turn, but that was too much. Typical Kiwi really.... [icon_wink

Not too bad in the second. The admins in the second, and for a second it looked like Fozz may have come good for the night. Clearly by the 3rd, we saw that his severe lack of gay alcoholic beverages were getting the best of him.

Needless to say, the 3rd game is where it was at... [icon_razz1

Game 1
Flutterby 124 (208)
Tee 117 (199)
Nashy 95 (163)
Fozz 88 (168)

Game 2
Flutterby 97(181)
Tee 99(181)
Nashy 123(191)
Fozz 113(193)

Game 3
Flutterby 97(181)
Tee 63(145)
Nashy 165(233)
Fozz 77(157)