BHQ Tenpin Bowling (aka Where's Coxy?)

Had to pre-bowl again this week. So my awesome scores were:

128 (my highest ever score!!!!)

OK 77 isn't really at all awesome - but I was distracted
Thanks - I was pretty impressed with myself. And I was only 1 pin off getting a turkey (a turkey being 3 strikes in a row) at one stage - I got STRIKE STRIKE 9 (which I then spared) doh!!!
Alright, so after whatever week we are up to, I think the team is really starting to come together. Tee came to play tonight, however, I think Fozz was a little down about the rain.

Robyn made an appearance tonight as mic lady. And what can we say about that performance. Well. Not much. Not only did she break the mic, she also failed to fix it in time to hand out the female award. A true injustice.

Pete made an appearance also, and decided to act like a true git of a Titans fan, by declaring himself a winner, for his team being higher on for and against. Loser.

Anyway. I started strong, and went down hill from there.

Game 1
Tee 111 (196)
Nashy 152 (223)
Fozz 96 (176)

Game 2
Tee 108 (193)
Nashy 116 (187)
Fozz 101 (181)

Game 3
Tee 156 (241)
Nashy 103 (174)
Fozz 113 (193)
So today I pre-bowled for the next 2 weeks - I gotta say bowling 6 games in a row by yourself, shoulder starts to ache by the end. Anyway my scores were not great this time around (sorry fellas - but I had to make it easy for you to beat me).

Match One (to be used this week): 115 111 92
Match Two (to be used next week): 76 112 88
So tonight we played a team we have previously played, and had a lot of fun playing. Tonight was no different, and needless to say, bowling came second to being idiots.

Flutterby's microphone training certainly paid off tonight, we are still yet to see her have a flawless award ceremony, as both winners today were not bowling. Maybe next week.

Game 1

Tee 115 (197)
Nashy 141 (210)
Fozz 85 (165)

Game 2

Tee 90 (172)
Nashy 88 (157)
Fozz 83 (163)

Game 3

Tee 102 (184)
Nashy 111 (180)
Fozz 104 (184)
Nashy said:
Flutterby's microphone training certainly paid off tonight, we are still yet to see her have a flawless award ceremony, as both winners today were not bowling. Maybe next week.

Seriously - how is it my fault if the peeps don't turn up?

Unfortunately you will not have my dulcet tones next week as I am neither playing nor working.

And BTW - expect to get arses kicked next week. We are playing Graeme's team and well they are awesome (Graeme is the Assistant Facilities Manager so you can feel free to give him shit about the lanes :mrgreen: ). But it should once again be a lot of fun with the trash talk - Graeme and Jeremy should be your prime targets here. I am also told that the best way to put them off their game is to flash boobs at them - as I won't be there, Nashy you will have to fulfill this role. (PS - yes I am pissed off I am missing playing this game)
Mine are bigger than yours anyway, so no doubt, even if you were bowling, I would have had the flashing duties.

Is this the team with the chick with the massive hanging out tits? Or not yet?
I can flash my butt crack if it helps.
Nashy said:
Is this the team with the chick with the massive hanging out tits? Or not yet?

Ummm can't say I've noticed the massive hanging out tits on any of the girls. This is the team with the kid (teenager) that does the wicked spin on the ball that Tee is so jealous of.
Speaking further to Tee - I believe that it is the team of which you are speaking. I guess we just notice different things about the teams / players