BHQ Tenpin Bowling (aka Where's Coxy?)

^Totally. Like how there's no Coxy in Where's Coxy. Literally.
OK - first I am seeing a distinct lack of celebration by everyone at my awesome score!!!

Second - there may be no we in Where's Coxy?, but there IS a question mark.
Remove the H and there most certainly is we. No wee though.
Went for a practice bowl tonight with Scotty.

Game 1: 87
Game 2: 93
Game 3: 171
Game 4: 165
So once again it seems I am carrying this team (although Tee finally pulled his finger out in game 3). Nashy didn't even come tonight - he abandoned the team. Of the three of us that were there scores were

Flutterby: 103 (193)
Aeetee: 99 (183)
Fozz: 103 (181)

Flutterby: 103 (193)
Aeetee: 87 (171)
Fozz: 92 (170)

Flutterby: 115 (205)
Aeetee: 130 (214)
Fozz: 72 (150)
As you can see Leon Bott was playing in my place last night.
Where's Coxy week whatever we're up to.

Game 1
Flutterby 96
Tee 80
Nashy 169
Fozz 116

Game 2
Flutterby 77
Tee 96
Nashy 143
Fozz 102

Game 3
Flutterby 76
Tee 56
Nashy 99
Fozz 92

If I don't get a certificate, I'm going to hurt Pete.
OK so after my award winning performance last week - that's right people, I won the female Star Bowler of the Week Award and was suitably crowned with my certificate tonight. Anyway I decided I am sick of carrying this team and did little more than show up tonight. But Nashy made a triumphant return:

Flutterby: 96 (184)
Aeetee: 80 (163)
Nashy: 169 (244)
Fozz: 116 (196)

Flutterby: 77 (165)
Aeetee: 96 (179)
Nashy: 143 (218)
Fozz: 102 (182)

Flutterby: 76 (164)
Aeetee: 56 (139)
Nashy: 99 (174)
Fozz: 92 (172)
But you still don't have an awesome certificate, so I'm still better than you :p
Oh... here come the excuses.

My shoulders hurt too. From carrying you all.... ;-P