BHQ Tenpin Bowling (aka Where's Coxy?)

I was *this* close to bowling a turkey! One pin, ONE!
i so sucked last night, ask Nashy. Next week i will be back though. I'll high score for the team over all. . . Wanna bet. . . Any takers.
I'll bet everything I have!

Which is this pocket lint and a half eaten apple.
Scores from last night's game - Scratch and (Handicap) scores

I very much sucked, but Fozz had a spectacular comeback to form; while Nashy maintained his usual high standard (though he ditched the wrist guard after like 1 ball).


Flutterby: 54 (142)
Aeetee: 92 (173)
Nashy: 111 (176)
Fozz: 135 (215)


Flutterby: 89 (177)
Aeetee: 68 (149)
Nashy: 110 (175)
Fozz: 124 (204)


Flutterby: 71 (159)
Aeetee: 66 (147)
Nashy: 99 (164)
Fozz: 77 (157)

Will update everyone on our ladder position tomorrow.
Flutterby will need to update with her and Tee, but averages thus far:

Fozz: 99
Nashy: 118
I think my ave was 89 before this week. And we now officially suck - have dropped from third to third last. It's time to get serious people (and by people clearly I mean me and Tee LOL)
Couldve swore we beat those old dears?
Well here's the thing - we weren't actually playing the old dears the other night. See both our teams were actually playing against BYES - but to free up lanes for social bowlers the league was "compressed" to reduce the number of lanes it was spread over. And in order to win against the BYE in Ten Pin you have to bowl within a certain score of your average (I can't remmber exactly how much) and clearly I didn't even get close the other night.
Truly, we are one of the greatest teams of all times.

How many other teams can claim to have been beaten by the Bye? Not even Souths has managed that!
So apparently Tee is going to kick our asses tonight.

He's off to a good start in practice.
It's for reals this time!

Flutterby gets 6.

Tee starts with a 7. And a miss.

Nahsy gets a strike.

Fozz gets 7 on first bowl. And 1 on the second.
Flutzy gets 7.

Tee flukes a spare.

Nashy has another strike!

Fozzy bowls 8 on the first. Zip on the second.
Flutz gets 3.

Tee gets 7 and 1.

Nashy aims for a turkey.

No go, it's 3 and 5.

Fonzy gets 5.

Gee, this is really draining the batterys.

I'll stick to round scores.

Why are all the hot girls on the far away lanes?

Anyway, Tee and Flutterby just nailed spares. As did Nashy, he's pretty good looking tonight ladies. And single I hear.

Fozzy on a spare too!
Round 1 totals

Flutzy 183 (90)
Fluker Pryke 203 (116)
Nashman 194 (126)
Fonz 190 (113)


We smashed the other team.

Five blokes all called vacancy score? That's strange that they all have the same name and are invisible

But we smashed them so who cares???!!

We've smashed the