BHQ Tenpin Bowling (aka Where's Coxy?)

Coxy said:
Fozz said:
We've smashed the

Smashed the? Smashed the? Smashed the what???!

Oh god, don't leave me in suspense! AAAAAARGH!

Sorry, only those of us actually here know. And we're sworn to never ever ever tell.

Round 2

Flutzy (112) 205
Teezy (102) 189
Nashzy (72) 140
Fozzy (117) 194
Tee flukes it again.

Flutty 86 179
Teey 121 208
Nashyy 87 155
Fozzy 65 142
This is BS, man!

My shoes were slippery and I didn't stick with one ball.

We might've been beaten by the bye again.

Eat that, Souths!
It's going to be a close run thing, but I think we pipped the bye this week. I'll check it out for sure tomorrow.

But I would just like to point out, if we lost again, this week it's Nashy and Fozz's fault. Tee and I bowled over our averages in all 3 games, whereas those 2 didn't. (NB to beat the Bye the team has to bowl at minimum Average minus 10). Personally I give myself the Where's Coxy? players' player award this week - I stepped up my game.
Get the hot chicks to bowl in the next lane. That way we'll be under pressure to perform.
I said chicks. As in pleural. So unless Tee turns up in a dress, it's only one hot chick.
Maybe if I've had at least two bottles of rum.
OK, I'm working Thursday night this week, so I went to do my pre-bowl today. My scores are as follows (scratch scores only as I don't know my new handicap after last week)

Started out average with a 82 in the first game, followed by a 71 in the second. And then in game 3 I really brought it with a game of ......................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
..................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 123!!!!!!!! oh yeah - that's right 123. _woohoo_ _woohoo_ _woohoo_ _woohoo_ _woohoo_

So can't wait to see what you guys can put down on Thursday night.
Never denied that - but the fact remains, it's still on the scoresheet :p