BHQ Tenpin Bowling (aka Where's Coxy?)

Flutterby said:
You're not playing at Hyperbowl??? Oh well you miss the fun - and the lane conditions will be shit wherever you are playing.

I have never bowled there yet, but lane conditions pretty much suck everywhere in Qld, except for Caboolture ( keggel oil), Maryborough ( keggel oil). I bowled my second 300 game at Caboolture in 2001 in the Caboolture Open, I have my name in the hall of fame at that centre, my first 300 game was at Hervey Bay in 2000, Hervey Bay had very high scoring lane conditons, David Weild bowled back to back 300's in league and I shot 279, we took out high team game, high team series etc all in one night. Sadly they closed down that centre in Hunter St and moved location and ever since they moved, the lanes have warped and the Urethane coating is very patchy, very hard to judge your hook break point, and the oiling pattern breaks down within 1 game

But yeah Maryborough lanes have improved out of sight since the new owners took over a few years ago, they upgraded to a keggel oiling machine using "Shark" and Cheetah" oiling patterns, my average has increased from 206 to 214, and Stephen Best's average ( Qld Rep) 214 to 219.
No shocking would be what you would call us if we played seriously....... and trust me, there is nothing serious about how we play :)
Yeah and on the rare occassion we have tried to play serious - we have SERIOUSLY SUCKED (even worse than we normally do)
We (i) play the lets see how far down the lane i can throw it before i get yelled at or get "that" look from the managers.
Pre-Bowled tonight:


I think I might just skip game one from here on.
You know what was weird about game 3? Our head tech was sitting there watching me and I spared every frame, then he got a call to go down the back and fix something and I didn't spare those 2 frames, then he came back and I spared the rest.