Boyd bombshell: Maroons star 'done' with rep footy

Whoa! That hit a soft spot:shhhhhhhhhhhhosh:. I said "a little weird". If Boyd were not being looked after financially it would be weird period. If it was merely due to "a father/son relationship" I would call it "very weird". What kind of son who is a grown man follows his dad around and what kind of father allows it?

Without even thinking too hard, Martin Lang and John Lang. Mate, can you give the Bennett/Boyd agenda a rest, it is getting old. You almost warrant classification as a stalker.
They wouldn’t have won a premiership with Morris at fullback that’s for sure

Maybe not, but I'm just talking about getting the chance at fullback. Morris would have still been impressive enough to keep there with his running game.
Maybe not, but I'm just talking about getting the chance at fullback. Morris would have still been impressive enough to keep there with his running game.

Not with Bennett at the club
All his fullbacks these days are required to be more ball players than ball runners
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Well, yeah, that's why I said he benefited from being with Bennett.
Whoa! That hit a soft spot:shhhhhhhhhhhhosh:. I said "a little weird". If Boyd were not being looked after financially it would be weird period. If it was merely due to "a father/son relationship" I would call it "very weird". What kind of son who is a grown man follows his dad around and what kind of father allows it?


All had sons at the club they work/worked at.
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I'm sure he got some preferential treatment.

I was going to ask that very quesiton, do people think Boyd gets special professional treatment because of the personal realtionship they have?

I think he does, and that's where I think the relationship is a bit unhealthy for both of them. I think Bennett should have taken a tougher stance with Boyd when at Newcastle.
I was going to ask that very quesiton, do people think Boyd gets special professional treatment because of the personal realtionship they have?

I think he does, and that's where I think the relationship is a bit unhealthy for both of them. I think Bennett should have taken a tougher stance with Boyd when at Newcastle.
And of course the elephant in the room insofar as preferential treatment is the 4 year big money contract he signed late last season.
And of course the elephant in the room insofar as preferential treatment is the 4 year big money contract he signed late last season.

a market value contract isn't preferential treatment ... and that is IF Bennett even decides how much each player is paid, and I have my doubts. While i have no doubt that he is aware of his players contract values, the actual negotiating the contracts would likely be left to the players manager and Paul White (or someone inside the office whose job it is to manage the salary cap)
And of course the elephant in the room insofar as preferential treatment is the 4 year big money contract he signed late last season.

That's not how that phrase works:

"Elephant in the room is an English-language metaphorical idiom for an obvious problem or risk that no one wants to discuss"

Not only has it been discussed, repeatedly, but had such a metaphoric elephant been in any physical room with us, it would have been hard for us not to have missed it with you yelling "THERE IS AN ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM HOW CAN NONE OF YOU SEE THIS AND IT WAS PROBABLY PUT THERE BY WAYNE BENNETT WHO SIGNED HIM AS AN OLD OVERWEIGHT FORWARD ON A BIG CONTRACT BECAUSE HE HAS A RELATIONSHIP WITH IT THAT IS A LITTLE BIT WEIRD". In our faces. Repeatedly. In just about every thread.
That's not how that phrase works:

"Elephant in the room is an English-language metaphorical idiom for an obvious problem or risk that no one wants to discuss"

Not only has it been discussed, repeatedly, but had such a metaphoric elephant been in any physical room with us, it would have been hard for us not to have missed it with you yelling "THERE IS AN ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM HOW CAN NONE OF YOU SEE THIS AND IT WAS PROBABLY PUT THERE BY WAYNE BENNETT WHO SIGNED HIM AS AN OLD OVERWEIGHT FORWARD ON A BIG CONTRACT BECAUSE HE HAS A RELATIONSHIP WITH IT THAT IS A LITTLE BIT WEIRD". In our faces. Repeatedly. In just about every thread.
WOW You came across with all the subtlety of a bull in a China shop. I strictly keep on topic.
You are obviously in a terrible state of nervous irritation. So was/am I several times this season. Try to relax. I'm sure, things will be better next season. In the meantime, if my messages cause you such irritation, I suggest you block me.
a market value contract isn't preferential treatment ... and that is IF Bennett even decides how much each player is paid, and I have my doubts. While i have no doubt that he is aware of his players contract values, the actual negotiating the contracts would likely be left to the players manager and Paul White (or someone inside the office whose job it is to manage the salary cap)
I think you are wrong. The coach tells the head office which players he wants and how much he is willing to pay them. Then the player manager tries to get ****** dollars more while whoever is representing the club, tries to get the player to sign for ****** dollars less.
I think you are wrong. The coach tells the head office which players he wants and how much he is willing to pay them. Then the player manager tries to get ****** dollars more while whoever is representing the club, tries to get the player to sign for ****** dollars less.

The coach tells head office which players he wants and they go out and sign them ... that is their job. The coach may have an input on how much he believes a player is worth.
Jeez, could you imagine geniuses like Hook or Kearney being in charge of that much money?
EDIT: Don't discuss posters
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The coach tells head office which players he wants and they go out and sign them ... that is their job. The coach may have an input on how much he believes a player is worth.
I almost agree with that. The coach, especially a senior coach like Bennett has a lot of input on how much the players contract is worth. But you are right that the head office has the right to reject any contract proposed by the coach.