Bronco Bashing must stop

Why shouldn't they be able to have a mad Monday and act there age for once in there lives. Most footballers are in this environment at the age of 17 and never really get to do the things are young adult can without getting hounded by media.
Hammo said:
Players do need to understand their role, however in reality they are people.

And people who actually don't live in the same 'world' as the rest of us. These days they are taken from home at a young age, given a whole heap of money to play sport, hero worshipped, 'protected', given free stuff wherever they go and ultimately never actually learn good social skills or to be 'real people'. As Hammo and others have said many times on this board - society needs to stop seeing sportspeople as heroes. I am not saying I absolve them from taking responsibility for their actions whatever they may be, but it might be less likely to happen if we just cheer them on for their on-field performances, and off-field, treat them the same as any other random person we might see out and about that we don't actually know. Naive of me I know and I don't think for a second that society is going to change in this attitude, but at some point we have to realise that 'we' have had a part in creating the current climate by the way we have turned sportspeople into heroes (at a younger and younger age)

In regards to them just having a BBQ at each other's places - well maybe the don't actually like all socialising together. Seriously I don't think I'd have my work-mates around for a barbie. They spend a lot of time together already, maybe they want to get away from one another in smaller groups.

And on the original question/comment posed by andymac about all these new accusations all suddenly coming out - it was always going to happen. Establishments may have been a bit 'afraid of the consequences' of bringing these things to light, but now that someone else has done it first, they are more confident about bringing it up. I am not saying any of them are necessarily true, but I am sure that a lot of things go on involving high profile people that never get reported.

(and on a side note re the Lockyer allegations, Bruno said today that while the 'tackler' wasn't Lockyer, he did recognise some of the other people in the footage as Broncos players)
Hero worshipping has gone on forever. Be it sports people or movie stars.
Technology that is around today just makes it harder on the sportspeople to act as young people.

I was listening to a panel on ABC radio the other night. Warren Boland says these guys are role models. The others disagree. One of the panel said he was talking to a young footy player who said how the hell could he be a role model as he was bought up in a caravan park and that was his life. He did not know what he was to do to be a 'role model'.
Another thing they raised was the Union players after the Cup last week. The kiwis guys were sitting laughing and talking together with their families and the admins, hangers on etc were too boozed to be interviewed sensibly.
The players had left it to go back home to celebrate in their own way.
My husband immediatley jumped to defence of league and dragged the name of a few union guys who had run a muck in NZ just recently.

Honestly though there has to be a line and our boys have crossed that line. As Gordie said the other night the only thing we can do is give them body guards when they go out cos Wayne can't be there to hold their hands and neither would the players want him to be. Manly players though have four bodyguards.

Bennett says they are young and should be allowed to celebrate a win. Gees how I wish now he had let them do it in Sydney instead of giving them the weekend off training. Hindsight is wonderful.

Sportspeople in every code and even in country towns get into mischief in one way or the other. They do think they are the greatest. Lets not pretend any different. Not only the young ones either.
Yeah, I don't get how people like Hammo can imply "LOL it's easy, stop seeing them as heroes".

It's a **** load easier for these guys to just tone down their behaviour. And as I've said repeatedly, it's part of the job of being a professional sportsman in Australia. Don't like it, quit.
There is no way to win the battle against the media. If the players go out and have a big night and do something stupid, they are rightfully derided. But if they have a big night and behave themselves, they are still labelled bad role models for drinking. The 'fan' picture in the Courier Mail shows that if they go out and have a beer the media will still blow it out of proportion.
I'll bet you a shiny dollar coin that if they did start having barbeques at a mates place the media would call them 'isolated and out of touch with the average punter' because they're not going out in public. Then they would stop the barbeques, too, and the media would complain that they are robots who have nothing in common with regular people. Forget French Rugby or AFL, the biggest threat to RL is two bit tabloid rags like CM and the Telegraph.
mrslong said:
THORN12 said:
They can't pick up chicks at someone's house.
:roll: never been to a party then?

if they're at a party with random girls its more of the same situation as being at a bar, only they'll be able to duck into the master bedroom instead of the public toilets. if a girl "cried wolf" and it turned out to be a private party situation, then things would just look worse for the players involved.

it all comes down to self control and understanding any given situation you're putting yourself into.
The thing is though, for a girl who is willing to take 3 dudes into a toilet to cry wolf, something must have been wrong
it all comes down to self control and understanding any given situation you're putting yourself into

I have to ask: Are you a bloke?

When your a young bloke your not thinking about the situation, your thinking about getting your rocks off.

Its just the way god made us, once a guy thinks he may get some he's only thinking about one thing and the situation he may find himself in goes out the window. If a girl walks up to you and says "lets go" any normal bloke doesnt ask questions, he's already got his pants off before the girl has finished the question!

Its just the way guys are, we dont think about the situation.
yeah i am, i know what its like. i still think its different and they do have more responsibility when its something that would be drilled into the players/etc. its a big ask of young dudes, but yeah..
Yeah i have to aggree if you even have a little bit of piss on board and some even semi good looking female hits you up it's pretty much all over red rover. The media have a lot to answer for but let's face it in the pecking order of scum the last two are solicitors and the media. If they can get the story the don't care who they burn, it's funny though that for a queensland paper they are doing everything in their power to derail the run for the premiership. If i was the brocnos management the main media sources would be the last person getting my info from now on. No press confrences no nothing. Maybe they should just go with SBS??
broncos85 said:
it all comes down to self control and understanding any given situation you're putting yourself into

I have to ask: Are you a bloke?

When your a young bloke your not thinking about the situation, your thinking about getting your rocks off.

Its just the way god made us, once a guy thinks he may get some he's only thinking about one thing and the situation he may find himself in goes out the window. If a girl walks up to you and says "lets go" any normal bloke doesnt ask questions, he's already got his pants off before the girl has finished the question!

Its just the way guys are, we dont think about the situation.

I am a bloke. Do you really believe you can speak for all young males in the world?

I'm certain that there are many men out there who think of more than just getting their rocks off and would conduct themselves more like gentlemen rather than sex-crazed animals. Interesting that in your post you seem to have some Christain values when you say God made us, however I think you're misguided if you think all males are just after nothing more than casual sex.

I do believe that the majority in the western world probably feel as you do and those of us who have respect for females are increasingly becoming a minority.
How old are you if you dont mind me asking?

But lets say your out at a club you've had a few drinks, feeling jolly and a fine young lady starts talking to you and at the end of the night she offers you an act of the sexual nature...
Your going to tell me your going to turn her down so you can go home and reaquaint yourself with Mrs palm and her 5 daughters?

One of the great things about being young is the carefree casual sex, and girls are keen for it just as much as guys. Most guys go out with intention of picking up and if the opportunity arises then why not?

Men think about sex once every 7 seconds, god wanted us to have sex and often, Its science!
broncos85 said:
How old are you if you dont mind me asking?

But lets say your out at a club you've had a few drinks, feeling jolly and a fine young lady starts talking to you and at the end of the night she offers you an act of the sexual nature...
Your going to tell me your going to turn her down so you can go home and reaquaint yourself with Mrs palm and her 5 daughters?

One of the great things about being young is the carefree casual sex, and girls are keen for it just as much as guys. Most guys go out with intention of picking up and if the opportunity arises then why not?

Men think about sex once every 7 seconds, god wanted us to have sex and often, Its science!

i think you're missing the point
broncos85 said:
it all comes down to self control and understanding any given situation you're putting yourself into

I have to ask: Are you a bloke?

When your a young bloke your not thinking about the situation, your thinking about getting your rocks off.

Its just the way god made us, once a guy thinks he may get some he's only thinking about one thing and the situation he may find himself in goes out the window. If a girl walks up to you and says "lets go" any normal bloke doesnt ask questions, he's already got his pants off before the girl has finished the question!

Its just the way guys are, we dont think about the situation.

Speak for yourself [eusa_doh

Argus I'm with you, you are dead right.
Astroboy said:
broncos85 said:
it all comes down to self control and understanding any given situation you're putting yourself into

I have to ask: Are you a bloke?

When your a young bloke your not thinking about the situation, your thinking about getting your rocks off.

Its just the way god made us, once a guy thinks he may get some he's only thinking about one thing and the situation he may find himself in goes out the window. If a girl walks up to you and says "lets go" any normal bloke doesnt ask questions, he's already got his pants off before the girl has finished the question!

Its just the way guys are, we dont think about the situation.

Speak for yourself [eusa_doh

Argus I'm with you, you are dead right.

Yeah me too, ive been in the situation where the girl was basically begging for it but for one reason or another i thought with my brain and decided against it. If a guy like me who doesnt have the ladies falling over themselves to get to me can think like that, then why cant a footy player who basically has his pick of women?

on another note, its ppl like "broncos85" that make women think all guys are after is sex, and gives the rest of us a bad name. we arent all douchebags mate.
Astroboy said:
broncos85 said:
it all comes down to self control and understanding any given situation you're putting yourself into

I have to ask: Are you a bloke?

When your a young bloke your not thinking about the situation, your thinking about getting your rocks off.

Its just the way god made us, once a guy thinks he may get some he's only thinking about one thing and the situation he may find himself in goes out the window. If a girl walks up to you and says "lets go" any normal bloke doesnt ask questions, he's already got his pants off before the girl has finished the question!

Its just the way guys are, we dont think about the situation.

Speak for yourself [eusa_doh

Argus I'm with you, you are dead right.

Yeah me too, ive been in the situation where the girl was basically begging for it but for one reason or another i thought with my brain and decided against it. If a guy like me who doesnt have the ladies falling over themselves to get to me can think like that, then why cant a footy player who basically has his pick of women?

on another note, its ppl like "broncos85" that make women think all guys are after is sex, and gives the rest of us a bad name. we arent all douchebags mate.

We're not all sanctimonious tools either though.
ROFLMAO!!! One of the last things I'd consider QUEENSLANDER is sanctimonious. A tool maybe...sometimes, but not sanctimonious :P LOL
robbie mustoe said:
Astroboy said:
broncos85 said:
it all comes down to self control and understanding any given situation you're putting yourself into

I have to ask: Are you a bloke?

When your a young bloke your not thinking about the situation, your thinking about getting your rocks off.

Its just the way god made us, once a guy thinks he may get some he's only thinking about one thing and the situation he may find himself in goes out the window. If a girl walks up to you and says "lets go" any normal bloke doesnt ask questions, he's already got his pants off before the girl has finished the question!

Its just the way guys are, we dont think about the situation.

Speak for yourself [eusa_doh

Argus I'm with you, you are dead right.

Yeah me too, ive been in the situation where the girl was basically begging for it but for one reason or another i thought with my brain and decided against it. If a guy like me who doesnt have the ladies falling over themselves to get to me can think like that, then why cant a footy player who basically has his pick of women?

on another note, its ppl like "broncos85" that make women think all guys are after is sex, and gives the rest of us a bad name. we arent all douchebags mate.

We're not all sanctimonious tools either though.

Im not even religious mate, but what im saying is that no matter what, a guy can always choose what hes going to do. Hell yeah theres times ive taken what i get offered, as previous posts said, who wouldnt BUT when its a situation which you know could cause problems, ie. work related, friendship related etc. then fark, its not hard to think "this is a bad idea". Hunt and those guys shouldve thought of this, and as i said, they can be far more picky than me.

Although, then again, they are probably playing footy coz they have sh*t for brains so maybe they dont have the thinking capacity i do.