Broncos 2013 Trials

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International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
I'm yet to see what you guys see in Macca. He's always talked about before every season as though he's going to set the competition alight but he never does, he hasn't really went up a level in his past few years.

I hope I'm wrong and he really does become a star this year because boy do we need a few players to step up and lead, Macca plays a crucial position so his form is hugely important to the team.

Likewise I can't see what people like you don't see in him. His decision making is good, his ball control and feeding has become very good. He is incredibly consistent for his age and his defense is amazing. You only have to look at how many meters our made through us when he comes off the field to prove this.

I'm not trying to be ridiculous or difficult but I honestly believe we could of had Cameron smith at our club at maccas age and the same people would be saying "I don't know what people see in this smith kid? Replace him with Baptiste" blah blah blah


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
I'm not saying replace him though, I don't actually think we have a better option than him at our club. I just don't see what others see, I see him as an above average hooker but definitely not a standout, he wouldn't be in the top 3 in the competition, probably not even the top 5. He's about in the middle but he's always talked about pre-season as though he's going to set the competition alight which he never has. I don't actually have anything against him though, I would love nothing more than for Maccca to turn into a top 3 no.9 and lead this club as captain, he has a great attitude, is a junior and has never let us down.


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
I'm not saying replace him though, I don't actually think we have a better option than him at our club. I just don't see what others see, I see him as an above average hooker but definitely not a standout, he wouldn't be in the top 3 in the competition, probably not even the top 5. He's about in the middle but he's always talked about pre-season as though he's going to set the competition alight which he never has. I don't actually have anything against him though, I would love nothing more than for Maccca to turn into a top 3 no.9 and lead this club as captain, he has a great attitude, is a junior and has never let us down.

But your proving my point, talking about him not being in the top three or five is bloody ridiculous, cos look at who the top 3 etc are. Smith, farah, Luke, ballin I guess and I don't really know who else.

With the exception of Luke (25) all the others are 29 or 30. Macca is 23 and no of those players were anywhere near their current standard at his age, so it's like comparing apples with oranges.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
Well who are the players his age? Srama? Friend? Peats? He doesn't particularly standout as one of the better hookers in the game. Is he in your top 5?
I'd say he's probably in the top half of hookers but nothing special YET. If he does become a standout in a few years then sure but he's yet to play a rep game, hasn't won a premiership, he is yet to do anything significant, he's yet to become a standout player for us, etc. The accolades he gets should be in line with that.
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Ari Gold

Ari Gold

Master Baiter
Mar 13, 2008
The issue here I think with Macca is that he's not that much better now than he was 2 years ago. At the start of his career he's definitely ahead of the bigger names but he's not shown a lot of progression since debuting.

Doesn't mean he can't still make the leap but the fact he hasn't done so yet makes it more than fair enough to have some reservations.

Either way he is at worst a solid player and the least of our concerns when it comes to our spine.
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
I don't think he's made strides offensively but defensively he had arguably the best season of any Broncos player. The problem with his offence is two fold. In the opposition's half he has the tendancy of backing himself too often and his short kicking game is fairly woeful. The other is that we have a play where Hodges will run the ball on the 4th as it's the best time for a dummy half run. It completely takes Macca out of the game offensively plus I reckon it completely kills any chance of spreading it out wide as our best strike weapon is doing a different job.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
While I agree Macca hasn't gained a lot in the last 2 years, where he has made gains is consistency. Week to week you almost know what you're going to get now (apart from a slow start to last season). 2 years ago you never knew what he was going to throw up, good or rubbish. even within the same game he could have massive brainfarts and mix it with excellent play.

I agree with those who think this will be his big year. Have to remember, he's only 23. Can't compare to Cam Smith who's a phenomenal talent who reached rep standard at 20. That's extremely rare for a hooker.
Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
I reckon Maccas is about 10% improvement away from being a star
Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Also found it interesting watching the interview with Kemp on . He had decided to forget about footy but the Broncos called him. Doesn't bode well for Yow Yeh for this season


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
Also found it interesting watching the interview with Kemp on . He had decided to forget about footy but the Broncos called him. Doesn't bode well for Yow Yeh for this season

I agree. I actually think yow yeh is a while off playing (like maybe the last few rounds) but I think the broncs and the man himself have conceded that if and when he does get back on the field it won't be on the wing. I think yow yehs future lies in the centres or continuing to bulk up and eventually into the backrow


BRL Player
Feb 11, 2009
Hey guys, has anyone found a stream for this trail match?

Not sure why they don't show these on ABC free to air!
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
Sadly, the best source we'll have is Twitter.

Game kicks off in ten minutes.
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Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
Do you know the Muffin Man? Well he just scored the opening try of the game after the Cows bombed two chances.

Broncos 4-0.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Quarter time - Michael Morgan scores, Kyle Feldt converts - Cowboys lead 6-4


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Ben hunt scores to make it 8-6, Cowboys have had a mountain load of opportunities but failed to convert into points. Converted Broncos 10-6 midway through second quarter.
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Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
Try was converted, 10-6 Broncos.
Big Pete

Big Pete

International Captain
Mar 12, 2008
Maranta scores a double.

14-6 with a ktc.
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