NEWS Broncos captain Darius Boyd could lose role as Paul White endorses Matt Lodge


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Aug 25, 2018
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Broncos captain Darius Boyd could lose role
as Paul White endorses Matt Lodge

Peter Badel,
The Courier-Mail
November 8, 2019 6:41pm

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“First and foremost, our coach, but certainly myself and the board, will have some input on this. “
"to ease the strain on Boyd"
>implying that Boyd will even be in the side.
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This simply means Darius is not going anywhere this season and will probably go back to full back.
This article certainly does not fill me with hope for next season. Personally I would prefer to not have Lodge as Captain but even more than that, i don't want Boyd anywhere near our footy team.

Unfortunately it seems like at least one of these situations is likely to happen.
Whites entire tenure has been about PR preservation. The drama and split with Bennett has clearly sent him round the twist. The board should not be interfering in football department decisions period. It does nothing but send a message that you have no more trust in your own choice.
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I think if a VC and/or co-captain is named during the preseason it will be pretty telling on Darius prospects for being in the 17

You start naming a VC when you know the captain won't be on the field... if a co-captain is named you can call curtains on Darius' career
If I was Seibold reading that I would legitimately be contemplating throwing in the towel.

His reputation and career is being undermined and compromised by our management.
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Paul White calls Anthony Seibold in to the board meeting

Paul White: Ok Anthony, the time has come, who do you think should lead this great club in 2020 and beyond?

Anthony Seibold: I think Matt Lodge should be captain, he's the best man for the job.

Paul White: Interesting, thank you so much for your input Anthony, we genuinely appreciate and respect your opinion, have a good day, we'll be in touch.

Anthony begins to walk away

Out of the shadows, a dark figure enters the light

Karl Morris: Anthony.

A cold shiver runs down Anthony's spine

Karl Morris: While you're here, we're pleased to announce that Darius Boyd will be captain and the starting Fullback for next season and 2021, can you please inform the playing group of your decision.
I've kind of changed my tune on Boyd to a certain extent in the last day or so. He is definatley being looked after by the Broncos, but there is no directive to pick him. He can actually count his lucky stars he has Seibold as a coach.
You can write off 2020 if his shifted back to fullback or remains at 5/8th.
And when I say this I'm more worried about the mindset that doing so would present, just lip service we have come too accustomed to at the club.
I don't like what the club has become and the idiotic decisions made over the last few years and have been pretty vocal about that BUT in this instance, I think it is actually good that the board has a say in who is captain, so long as it does not extend beyond that.

The captain becomes the face of the club and is involved in so much PR, you need to have someone who leads both on and off the field. This affects business attraction, sponsorship and community perception.
The board and management's increasing interest in influencing the team and team related decisions could definitely explain the souring of the relationship between white and WB.

Perhaps also why they went for seibold. He is perhaps someone they could have a greater influence on? If you think about the other candidates, demetriou and walters are familiar with previous bronco board and coach relationship and would have wanted the same oversight than WB, and macguire is old school and not to be messed with. I am not saying that is they way it is, but a possibility?