have to agree sproj, its all hypotheticals right? (except for danny..)
the only reason its even being discussed is his name's just on the list of expiring contracts and his manager would be a deadshit not to talk it up to the media just a bit
considering the hardball WB has played with thaiday and i figure will do with CP13 id be a tad suprised if gillett wasnt prepared to sacrifice just a fraction of a contract (which he'd no doubt make up for with 3PCs, and btw wouldnt be worth as much anyways in a market like sydney if youre a canetoad..), on the basis that in a year or 2 he'd be headlining our act with moose (if not necessarily on quite a commensurate contract dollar figure)
then again coming so close to GF glory can do funny things, ive got no inside info here but i couldnt blame anyone from wanting a seachange after last year, esp if they go 1 better this year
oh FWIW agree with sproj again.. harder to mould a centre than a backrower.. oates to centre eventually for mine, he'd make a decent 2R too but doubt he'd cope physically for too long. plenty of talent covering IF gillett does do the pay-me shuffle