Broncos pair cautioned by police

Flutterby said:
I agree, but that's the way it is. I disagree that they can't enjoy nights out on the town - they can if they don't step out of line. They all know they are under greater scrutiny than other people, so I'll keep saying it - if they don't like it, get out of footy. It's part and parcel of the job. I have had jobs in the past where there was an aspect or aspects of it that I hated, but instead of just moaning and complaining about it and saying it was completely unfair, I left the job. This option is also open to footy players.

I agree with this in principle, however, would you be happy to see some of the games biggest names leave the code? I'd hate to see Karmichael leave the Broncos because he's sick of the strict code of conduct, or the fishbowl existence created by having such codes.

I suppose I differ to many on here. I really couldn't care what the players do off the field. I'm more concerned about their on field performances. If they do something illegal, let the police and courts deal with it as is the case with 99% of the general public. It shouldn't be up to the club or NRL to solve society's problems.
OXY-351 said:
I suppose I differ to many on here. I really couldn't care what the players do off the field. I'm more concerned about their on field performances. If they do something illegal, let the police and courts deal with it as is the case with 99% of the general public. It shouldn't be up to the club or NRL to solve society's problems.
[ well said.
They aren't trying to solve society's problems. They're trying to solve their own problems. And the fact is, we live in a very conservative society. And that society is what pays the NRL players' and officials' wages. Bad behaviour might stop a percentage of people buying merchandise, attending games, or supporting sponsor products.

Sponsors don't want this, so they don't want their brand associated with wall pissing car kicking toilet fuckers.

That in turn leaves clubs vulnerable to losing income.
That in turn leads to players not being able to be paid what they want, so they go anyway.

You might not give a shit about this off field stuff, but the people that matter do.
Coxy pretty much summed it up. Everyone is quick to shrug off the off-field behaviour as if it's boys being boys. When really they should be filthy that the players are giving the Broncos club a bad name in the general public's eye. Just because you believe it isn't having a negative impact on the clubs image doesn't mean that's the case. And surely, negative news entry after negative news entry, losing sponsors and supporter base is enough to open up your eyes and realise that it actually IS having an impact.

If you support your club, you would do whatever it takes to save its face.. this includes supporting the punishment of our beloved players acting like tools in public.

Oh and by the way... I know a few girls who like league but HATE the Broncos because they act like God's out on the town and because of their recent toilet stint. They dislike them as human-beings. Why? Because they act like tools and this is just a small sample selection. Something to think about.
Well said Coxy. No one is pretending that the NRL is trying to solve society's problems, or that the issues in society somehow won't creep into the playing ranks. A certain percentage of blokes aged between 18-30 in the general population have issues on the grog and have been in trouble with the police, so it stands to reason that a similar percentage will have those issues in the NRL.

But the fact of the matter remains that these guys have more responsibility than the average joe. Like it or not, because of the society we live in, they're basically representing their employer at all times. Now, that's not to say they can't have some beers and enjoy themselves. There are hundreds of NRL players in the country who drink, but who have never created a headline by carrying on like a d*ck when they have a few beers in them.

I just still can't understand it. I've been on the drink dozens and dozens and dozens of times with my mates, and have been nicely sloshed many of those, but have still never gotten into a fight, nor kicked out of a pub, nor had any dealings with police. It can be done.
Agreed 100% with Coxy, mal and mick.

Once again, the particulars of this incident aren't the real point - the point is that these jokers are still, after all that's gone on in the past few years, all the warnings they've received both from outside and within the club, after being in full knowledge that the media will come down hard on them if they so much as fart out loud and knowing full well the consequences of such actions, they STILL find themselves in the shit and totally lacking in common sense.

Whether we agree with it or not, the facts are that in 2009 football players now represent their clubs on just about a 24/7 basis and are bound by a code of conduct (and are handsomely paid to do so). Some may say that's harsh. But as has been said, how friggen hard can it be to carry yourself like a civilised human being when out in public like the majority of the population and the majority of players in the NRL? Don't carry on like a knob and you'll have absolutely nothing to worry about. It's not that hard.
I usually the first person to bag out players like I did in last years incident, but the truth is the players have done nothing wrong, the only thing which is a disgrace here is how such a nothing incident gets blown out of proportion like they are crimninals and they should lose their job, ffs.

Fair enough players are role models,they get paid heaps, they must act a certain way because mums out there who see this might not put their kids in the RL and it makes it harder to get sponsors, it tarnishes the clubs image, etc.

My whole point is, I feel sorry for the players here, they have done nothing wrong at all pissing on a wall in private (albeit he got caught) is something every single man has done at some point in their life, ffs some kids at school used to do pissing contests on the wall see who can go the furtherst,Kenny's name is getting dragged through here like he commited some evil sin, even some pathetic journos saying he should be scaked and the Cullen should follow up on what he said last year.

Fact is it's a nothing incident, proven by the fact that the club hasn't punished them either with a fine or suspension, yeah maybe they shouldn't be so drunk, as long as they keep out of trouble though who cares? I don't consider this trouble, they got told by police to move alone, they were complaint and apologetic, people make misatkes (I can't even call this is a mistake but anyway).

That will be my last comment on this issue.
I'm glad this is your last comment because your short-sighted, ill informed, repetative argument is just dribble.
Broncospwn, mate, most people would agree to some extent about the actual incidents being relatively minor and that they often get sensationalised.

But that's not the main point!

These bloke know and have known for years that all they need to do is scratch their nuts and they'll get taken to town for it - and bring the reputation of their club and teammates down in the process, which in turn has many flow-on effects that have already been mentioned.

They know that if you're going to be a footballer in this day and age, the spotlight will unfortunately be on you 24/7 and thus you need to abide by the rules that the clubs give you so you'll keep yourself and your teammates out of harms way in this regard.

That's just the way life is for a professional footballer. We can carry on about how wrong it is and how we feel sorry for them all we like, but that doesn't mean squat.

The position of modern day footballer requires them to be representative of their employers when out in public. If a player doesn't like that, then they need to seriously consider alternative career opportunities. But, if they're prepared to sign their playing contract, agree to the code of conduct and then accept a substantial payment for their services, then they understand and accept the pros and cons their new job - just like anyone else.

But still, they continue to find ways to get themselves in the poo, and yet all they have to do is behave themselves. It's not really what they do that gives us the shits, its that they're dumb enough to keep doing it despite being fully aware of the consequences.

Again - how friggen hard can it be to behave yourself, not act like a knob and still have a good time like countless others in the general public and in the NRL?
broncospwn said:
I usually the first person to bag out players like I did in last years incident, but the truth is the players have done nothing wrong, the only thing which is a disgrace here is how such a nothing incident gets blown out of proportion like they are crimninals and they should lose their job, ffs.

Fair enough players are role models,they get paid heaps, they must act a certain way because mums out there who see this might not put their kids in the RL and it makes it harder to get sponsors, it tarnishes the clubs image, etc.

My whole point is, I feel sorry for the players here, they have done nothing wrong at all pissing on a wall in private (albeit he got caught) is something every single man has done at some point in their life, ffs some kids at school used to do pissing contests on the wall see who can go the furtherst,Kenny's name is getting dragged through here like he commited some evil sin, even some pathetic journos saying he should be scaked and the Cullen should follow up on what he said last year.

Fact is it's a nothing incident, proven by the fact that the club hasn't punished them either with a fine or suspension, yeah maybe they shouldn't be so drunk, as long as they keep out of trouble though who cares? I don't consider this trouble, they got told by police to move alone, they were complaint and apologetic, people make misatkes (I can't even call this is a mistake but anyway).

That will be my last comment on this issue.

1. If the police have to caution you, and tell you to move on, you've done something wrong.
Did anyone see 60 Minutes the other night with the story on the Riot squads? the streets were out of control, but basically some of the people who were just having a good time were talked to by the cops, minding their own business even.

There are some cops who are out all the time and always having words with folks for something to do.
Susan said:
mick! said:
broncospwn said:
I usually the first person to bag out players like I did in last years incident, but the truth is the players have done nothing wrong, the only thing which is a disgrace here is how such a nothing incident gets blown out of proportion like they are crimninals and they should lose their job, ffs.

Fair enough players are role models,they get paid heaps, they must act a certain way because mums out there who see this might not put their kids in the RL and it makes it harder to get sponsors, it tarnishes the clubs image, etc.

My whole point is, I feel sorry for the players here, they have done nothing wrong at all pissing on a wall in private (albeit he got caught) is something every single man has done at some point in their life, ffs some kids at school used to do pissing contests on the wall see who can go the furtherst,Kenny's name is getting dragged through here like he commited some evil sin, even some pathetic journos saying he should be scaked and the Cullen should follow up on what he said last year.

Fact is it's a nothing incident, proven by the fact that the club hasn't punished them either with a fine or suspension, yeah maybe they shouldn't be so drunk, as long as they keep out of trouble though who cares? I don't consider this trouble, they got told by police to move alone, they were complaint and apologetic, people make misatkes (I can't even call this is a mistake but anyway).

That will be my last comment on this issue.

1. If the police have to caution you, and tell you to move on, you've done something wrong.

Not entirely true at all. A lot of street cops are on power trips and tend to tell people to move along when they've done nothing wrong at all for a nothing issue - Happens all the time. It's happened quite a few times in my life.

Striking a car and pissing on a wall is a minor incident. And if you do this, you'd expect police in the vicinity to either arrest you or tell you to f*ck off.

broncospwn is wrong for one simple reason - he said they did nothing wrong. If that's the case, why not stick target stickers onto every car and do away with urinals? Plenty of walls in the world.
mick! said:
broncospwn is wrong for one simple reason - he said they did nothing wrong.

He also said they pissed on a wall in private, which is kind of the opposite to what happened, and half the reason we're having this conversation.
broncospwn. Swing, and a miss.

1. Pissing on a wall is against the law.
2. Kicking property that does not belong to you is against the law.

1. Putting yourself in a situation like this is against the Broncos code of conduct.

It's that simple.
Nashy said:
broncospwn. Swing, and a miss.

1. Pissing on a wall is against the law.
2. Kicking property that does not belong to you is against the law.

1. Putting yourself in a situation like this is against the Broncos code of conduct.

It's that simple.

icon_thumbs_u Completely agree Nashy, these guys did do something wrong and when you consider the current climate for NRL Players + Alcohol + Media you would hope players who have been around more than a few weeks would know a lot better than this behaviour.
Nashy said:
1. Putting yourself in a situation like this is against the Broncos code of conduct.

It's that simple.

Can you please post the copy of the code of conduct you have so we can see what's in it?