Two isolated incidents do not a pattern make... especially when there is absolutely no quote or reliable source for them.There is a pattern emerging as far as Taylor's behaviour is concerned. First the Elgey situation, now the Henry could be hot air but it's something to be mindful of heading into November 1st.
Moving right along, if the Market Place can be trusted, that will be a nice coup for the Broncos. As disappointed as I am to lose Arrow, Carrigan is from the same mould.
If it were me I would shop Hayne to the highest bidder and cop the difference on my cap. Cut the cancer out and wear 12 months of a part payment.
French Rugby apparently is still an option but the Tits will have to cop the cap difference just the same.
Apparently French rugby doesn't even enforce training. Would be perfect environment for the Hayne pain.
Chris garry saying we might be after todd carney for next year .......
**** that
Just going all the way back to the Slothfield comment that GC are happy to sack Henry based solely on financials and copping the $400k rather than Hayne's $1.2m... which has effectively kicked all this shit up I.e. board about to sack Henry, Atay and Elgey calling for heads, etc.
I just can't comprehend how this would be the approach the tits would make even if it is financially based. The NRL covers the cost of the salary cap therefore Hayne's cost is sunk regardless. There is also the opportunity of another team taking some of his contract. Whereas Henry's cost is all on them not to mention hiring a new coach and Henry's contract can't be subsidised by another team.
Seems to me Slothfield is coming up with 1+1 = scotch + coke and 500 words... but the ramifications of him just throwing shit in the air is hugely detrimental to a current coach.
If it turns out to be wrong yet again... he'll get away with it, with no retractions and no consequences back on him.
Dead set if I made as many mistakes as him I'd be out of a job a long time ago yet he's sitting pretty as the editor in chief... what the ****???
Rothfield is not going anywhere anytime soon if his father is any guide. His old man retired from being a GP last year at age 94! He practised medicine for 71 years!
Those are often the worst GPs, once they get to a certain age they just refuse to learn anything new. Feel sorry for the patients.
I would take Todd Carney in a heartbeat. He's former Daly m winner and in our great environment would flourish beside Milford.
I would take Todd Carney in a heartbeat. He's former Daly m winner and in our great environment would flourish beside Milford.