he finally got to train that shit team with a few players he brought in
Hahahaha you can't seriously be that biased that you don't see the irony here? Seriously? So Bennett can claim he was given a bad team (remember media was claiming they would win a premiership that year just like they did for us this year??) yet seibold has 7 games to prove you wrong?
Your whole argument is "bennett has excuses but seibold doesn't", I don't think what Bennett did at Newcastle was as shocking as the media make out, NO WAY. But the hipocrisy by people on here when they bag seibold when there are multiple examples of Bennett being in the same, or worse, predicament is embarrassing. People are so keen to be proven right they haven't even waited for an outcome, 7 fucking games is not an outcome, it's a process. We have 18 year old in the middle 3rd playing 70 to 80 minutes, we have a shit spine that was left to us and signed long term that he needs to give a chance to improve.. 100% we would have got better results with bennett these first 7 games then what seibold has got, NO ONE IS DENYING THAT, but ffs even the most 1 Eyed anti-seibold person can see he is putting structures in place still, will they bring us a premiership, who fucking knows after 7 games! And you can't be serious, are you claiming you have been happy as a broncos fan with finishing 2-6 every year and miserablely failing in the finals every year. We aren't the tigers or the eels. We win premierships, it's the exact reason Griffin got sacked as well. He got 1 game away from a grand final remember.... And wtf what the media say have to do with anything, I don't write it, of course they write puff pieces about the broncos, it sells papers and they own the bloody club lol. What's that got to do with how long you give seibold? Are you incapable of forming an opinion without their input? No! Or does seibold write the articles? No. It's completely irrelevant. And any team can win the premiership? Really? Want to make $20 dissappear? Put it on the titans to win the premiership. That will test your theory! There are about 4 teams that can win the premiership every year...
And BTW, responding to a comment is not hypocritical. An example of being hypocritical would be holding someone to standards you yourself cannot meet. Or in this case we will substitute seibold 2019 for someone else, and Bennett 2012, 2014, 1999 for you... Or if you whinge if seibold doesn't win a premiership for 3 years it'd be seibold (someone else) and Bennett 1988-1991 or Bennett 2015-2018 (you) ...
If you don't like seibold that's fine, criticise what he is doing. His tactics, his retention, his game plan, be constructive with it because its boring week after week. There's 5 years to go.. It's just the fact that you, and many others, are holding seibold up to standards using a 7 game sample size that if we held Bennett up to the same standards for that sample size at points in his career he wouldn't be a coach anymore.