By chump change we can work out his remaining salary based on time in the year... we're 3/4 through the year so on TPJ's reported salary of $650k he'd have $163k owing.
So you're basically getting TPJ for the price of Kennar
I probably worded it wrong, but I guess I'm suggesting that that kind of scenario is not "in the spirit of the salary cap", which is a wishy washy term, but in this case they would be acquiring a top tier player on very little salary right before the finals series.
Based on the current rules it may be viable (if Panthers have room in their cap), but to me that means the current rules are setup wrong.
It opens up a huge can of worms and a loophole that can completely turn the comp on its head 3/4 of the way through the year.. and I dont think the rules were intending this kind of situation.
From the outside looking in it would appear the salary cap is setup so teams can accumulate $9.5M over the course of the year, this means $160k at the start of the year increases in value as the season progresses... to the point where $160k can equal $650k.
To me a suitable alternative could simply be dividing the salary cap over 12 months... so every team has $790k to spend each month on salaries.
In that scenario the $160k saved at the start of the year remains the same over the course of the year (~$13k per month).. so the clubs have to either use it or lose it as the season progresses.