I did not think I would have to do this, but oh well.
He has never been charged with dangerous operation of a motor vehicle. That is an embellishment, in fact, it borders on being an outright lie. He was charged with driving unlicensed, there was no allegation of any nature that he was driving dangerously.
And no, in the greater scheme of offensive conduct by footballers, a 19 year old driving whilst unlicensed falls pretty much at the bottom of my issues of concern. The any number of footballers that have been done for driving whilst UIL or in fact dangerous operation of a motor vehicle (hello Carney, Inglis for the UIL), have gone on drunken vandalisaton rampages (Carney) been involved in incidences of sexual assault (too many list), damaged private property (Burgi) etc all rate more highly on my list.
The driving whilst using his phone (if that is meant to be the dangerous driving allegation), he was actually fully stopped at a red light, when he checked his phone. I would say a fair percentage of the members of this esteemed forum have done the same thing at some stage in their lives (if they are being completely honest), perhaps even you, and perhaps more than once??
So yes, I consider that to be embellishment.
Re the incident with the cops, yes that was bad, and he was dealt with accordingly both by the criminal justice system and the league. But even there, he mouthed off at the cops, he did not physically assault anyone.
And @BhooKhaki, he has had one incident when he was on the piss, I hardly consider that makes him a seriol offendor.