Broncos Roster, Signings and Rumours Discussion 2022

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NRL Player
Oct 10, 2013
Why do you think his steal was a penalty? Very curious to learn your interpretation.
I think the tackle was completed. And stolen when the player was preparing to play the ball. I know others including Ennis viewed it differently.


NRL Player
Oct 10, 2013
Similar to the way Herbie won the game with his speed and JAC didn’t when they played each other?
Yeah let's compare them just based on one game. That's a great sample size to form the opinion.


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
I think the tackle was completed. And stolen when the player was preparing to play the ball. I know others including Ennis viewed it differently.

I think it was borderline but very smart from Herbie. These are the kind of line pushing decisions the good teams make and get away with. I can understand some thinking it was a penalty and other being ok with it - I guess the definition of a 50-50. The ball hadn’t touched the ground and there was still forward momentum in the tackle, so ultimately, as a biased supporter, of course I’m ok with it.


NRL Player
Oct 10, 2013
I think it was borderline but very smart from Herbie. These are the kind of line pushing decisions the good teams make and get away with. I can understand some thinking it was a penalty and other being ok with it - I guess the definition of a 50-50. The ball hadn’t touched the ground and there was still forward momentum in the tackle, so ultimately, as a biased supporter, of course I’m ok with it.
Agree. Its a fifty fifty. Annersley explains why its legal in his view here.

I view his body was on the ground and the tackle was completed. I think the last movement forward by the bulldog was to commence the action to play the ball. As annersley said the arm is not a factor. I would accept either interpretation as it was borderline but I thought it was a penalty.


State of Origin Rep
Jan 8, 2018
I think the tackle was completed. And stolen when the player was preparing to play the ball. I know others including Ennis viewed it differently.
But he was still sitting on his backside when the ball was stolen and the ref had not yet called held. So I have to disagree with your summation.


State of Origin Rep
Dec 12, 2014
I think the tackle was completed. And stolen when the player was preparing to play the ball. I know others including Ennis viewed it differently.
I think of it this way - if the tackle was made on the try line, would be have been allowed to reach out and score? The answer is 100% yes, therefore a steal is fair game.


NRL Player
Oct 10, 2013
I think of it this way - if the tackle was made on the try line, would be have been allowed to reach out and score? The answer is 100% yes, therefore a steal is fair game.
If he passed the ball would it have been called back? I think heaps of these happen in the game where they are called complete. Its a 50/50.


NRL Player
Oct 10, 2013
But he was still sitting on his backside when the ball was stolen and the ref had not yet called held. So I have to disagree with your summation.
Calling held would have been definitive I agree. But not necessary to say the tackle is completed. Lots of tackles are complete without held being called. I accept your view. Its a 50/50


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
My logic is, Oates was on $500-600k. I’d let him leave before herbie and Herbie can go to that wing if need be. Isaako was also on $450k+ I believe. So surely they can balance it out to get it to work.
I think even cutting Oateys wage but keeping him, I think Oates himself would admit he's not his former self and pricetag.
If he was a fullback he would be racking up 200m+ he would be up in the top tier in that department, even at centre I believe his metres are above average for a centre.
Too much too soon. Prime Corey Oates was 500k. He’s not prime Corey Oates. 300 for another yr.
If we need to cut wages, Oates is a good start, do a Melbourne and find a budget winger and bench player or two to balance the cap every year.

Oates is the last man standing from the 2015 Grand Final. He's a shadow of his former self, and been through the wringer since, partly through his own doing and partly through a spate of mishaps. His candour about bludging and his farcical posturing about wanting to shift to the forwards haven't sat well with fans, or the coaching staff.

But never mind all that, I think this is a situation that requires gauging the temperature of the playing group. Cutting the most senior Bronco sends a signal about the club's loyalty to its own, a sign of what's to come for them. But on the other hand, coddling a bludger in favour of someone more promising also sends a bad message.

Whether it's Oates, Farnworth, Cobbo or Niu, outside backs need to keep the scoreboard ticking. They get dropped for missing tackles and fumbling bombs, but they get paid the big money for channeling the ball over the line, whether it's scoring tries or setting them up. That's where the money lies. It's why Kotoni gets the money. Not for his defence.

If Farnworth wants a massive contract upgrade come round 4, this weekend against Valentine Holmes is the round to show his relative worth. He needs to outpoint Valentine.

Corey, meanwhile, only needs to hold his position. But competition is fierce not least of all from Herbie, should the club be inclined to give Brenko, or inevitably Deine, a shot. Corey needs to score tries. And lots of them. Simple as that. We love Corey when he's scoring tries.


NRL Player
Oct 10, 2013
I don't think it would. The ball carrying arm hadn't touched the ground. Neither had his other arm or his torso for that matter.
Ok. I am not so sure but fair enough.


State of Origin Captain
Feb 28, 2016
He's not as fast nor as consistent as Addo Carr. In saying that he doesn't play on the wing, which I agree with others is his better position.

I also think his steal was a penalty but he got away with it.
He's not as fast as addo carr but last year he was in the top ten fast players in the NRL, so he's faster than most NRL players. And Addo Carr isn't consistent as such, he's great at finishing off tries but he never does the hard work Herbie does. He's a lot of money for a fast player that finishes off tries, there's probably a small percentage of tries he scores that no one else could score. IMHO he's over rated.

and you must be blind? Clearly the tackle wasn't complete and the two other players had broken off the tackle.


International Captain
Forum Staff
Oct 5, 2011
Yeah let's compare them just based on one game. That's a great sample size to form the opinion.
I'm not comparing based on one game, just pointing out that in that one game the point that you definitively made didn't happen and in fact the opposite occured.
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