Broncos Roster, Signings and Rumours Discussion 2022

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Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
Oates is the last man standing from the 2015 Grand Final. He's a shadow of his former self, and been through the wringer since, partly through his own doing and partly through a spate of mishaps. His candour about bludging and his farcical posturing about wanting to shift to the forwards haven't sat well with fans, or the coaching staff.

But never mind all that, I think this is a situation that requires gauging the temperature of the playing group. Cutting the most senior Bronco sends a signal about the club's loyalty to its own, a sign of what's to come for them. But on the other hand, coddling a bludger in favour of someone more promising also sends a bad message.

Whether it's Oates, Farnworth, Cobbo or Niu, outside backs need to keep the scoreboard ticking. They get dropped for missing tackles and fumbling bombs, but they get paid the big money for channeling the ball over the line, whether it's scoring tries or setting them up. That's where the money lies. It's why Kotoni gets the money. Not for his defence.

If Farnworth wants a massive contract upgrade come round 4, this weekend against Valentine Holmes is the round to show his relative worth. He needs to outpoint Valentine.

Corey, meanwhile, only needs to hold his position. But competition is fierce not least of all from Herbie, should the club be inclined to give Brenko, or inevitably Deine, a shot. Corey needs to score tries. And lots of them. Simple as that. We love Corey when he's scoring tries.
Pretty sure Holmes is opposite Staggs. Unless they’ve swapped this week. Hiku is solid too though.


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
Pretty sure Holmes is opposite Staggs. Unless they’ve swapped this week. Hiku is solid too though.
Yeah, they're both playing on the left, but I meant more in terms of relative attack than defending against each other. They're both goal kicking centres. So they're like for like. Holmes has pedigree. Let's see if Herbie can match it.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
Yeah, they're both playing on the left, but I meant more in terms of relative attack than defending against each other. They're both goal kicking centres. So they're like for like. Holmes has pedigree. Let's see if Herbie can match it.
I see. Both probably are best suited to the wing too. You’re right though, it will be an interesting match up. If both teams play to a similar standard, my money is on Herbie.


State of Origin Rep
Aug 19, 2013
Yeh easy done😄 just sit back and watch.

Herbie's also played a couple less seasons than Addo Carr as well😉

It's easy come up with a few points to suit your argument🤣 I'm good at this, I think😄
am definitely a fan of Herbie but he needs to be consistent to be in the same class as JAC .
completely agree and that's why I don't like people craping on the likes of Cobbo, Niu and co. because these guys deserve a decent go.
JAC took time to get to his level so patience is required.
i feel like my rebuttal was way to serious 😆


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
I see. Both probably are best suited to the wing too. You’re right though, it will be an interesting match up. If both teams play to a similar standard, my money is on Herbie.
Valentine also played fullback at rep level. He scored 17 tries for the Kangaroos. And he's only 26.

He's reportedly on $750k out to 2025:

Not a bad ceiling to price Herbie.
Blindside Bronco

Blindside Bronco

Broncos Fanboy
Oct 17, 2019
$50k less on all and I'd be happy
$1.5m for three years for Farnworth.
Same price for 2 years of Staggs.
I'm happy with that.
If Farnworth will take $50k less for the Broncos, woohoo I'll be happy as Larry...
Don't know whom this Larry is that is spoken of as a happy indicator though.
Just like that slut Dawn, lots of people getting up at the crack of her.😉


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
Similar to the way Herbie won the game with his speed and JAC didn’t when they played each other?
Herbie needs to finish a season as top tryscorer to be mentioned in the same breath as someone like like JAC, or even peak Corey Oates. He's never shown us that, only bursts of promise. Should we pay elite money for a mirage that's always just out of reach? That's what got us in the pickle we were in.

It's already looking a little like we're overpaying Kotoni.


State of Origin Rep
Dec 12, 2014
Herbie needs to finish a season as top tryscorer to be mentioned in the same breath as someone like like JAC, or even peak Corey Oates. He's never shown us that, only bursts of promise. Should we pay elite money for a mirage that's always just out of reach? That's what got us in the pickle we were in.

It's already looking a little like we're overpaying Kotoni.
How often does a centre finish as top try scorer? You're setting ridiculous standards for him to achieve, and I can't work out why you have such an axe to grind with him.

He could score 30 tries this year and you'd turn around and say "yeah but Oates only scored 10 so Herbie is a shit centre who can't set up his winger".


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
Valentine also played fullback at rep level. He scored 17 tries for the Kangaroos. And he's only 26.

He's reportedly on $750k out to 2025:

Not a bad ceiling to price Herbie.
Val is still grossly overpaid


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
How often does a centre finish as top try scorer? You're setting ridiculous standards for him to achieve, and I can't work out why you have such an axe to grind with him.

He could score 30 tries this year and you'd turn around and say "yeah but Oates only scored 10 so Herbie is a shit centre who can't set up his winger".
You're getting extreme here and misrepresenting me.

I've been consistently banging the same drum, and been at pains not to write him off as a bad player. My argument is - and has always been - that he's an individual player, not someone who sets others up. He can get away with not being a try enabler, if he's a try scoring machine. Kotoni was also a notorious hog, but he crossed the line enough to get away with it. His game has also expanded since then.

If Herbie keeps letting the play die in his hands, never seeking a partner, we'd be better off with him at the deliberate end of a ball movement (wing) where it naturally belongs. He'd be fantastic there, and potentially worth elite wing money. Provided he's in the top tryscoring bracket. Last season he neither scored a bunch of tries nor set anyone else up. He made a lot of metres, for sure. But he's a centre not a ball carrying forward. I expected to see his game expand after the off season, but he seems to be still playing a winger's game in the centres.

That steal and score play from last weekend was some boss level shit. More of that. Of course I rate a player who can pull that off.

As for centres being try scoring machines? Look no further than Steve Renouf.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
You're getting extreme here and misrepresenting me.

I've been consistently banging the same drum, and been at pains not to write him off as a bad player. My argument is - and has always been - that he's an individual player, not someone who sets others up. He can get away with not being a try enabler, if he's a try scoring machine. Kotoni was also a notorious hog, but he crossed the line enough to get away with it. His game has also expanded since then.

If Herbie keeps letting the play die in his hands, never seeking a partner, we'd be better off with him at the deliberate end of a ball movement (wing) where it naturally belongs. He'd be fantastic there, and potentially worth elite wing money. Provided he's in the top tryscoring bracket. Last season he neither scored a bunch of tries nor set anyone else up. He made a lot of metres, for sure. But he's a centre not a ball carrying forward. I expected to see his game expand after the off season, but he seems to be still playing a winger's game in the centres.

That steal and score play from last weekend was some boss level shit. More of that. Of course I rate a player who can pull that off.
I dunno. You definitely do appear to have obsessed with this issue. I really don’t recall any moments where Herbie passing was the better option on Sunday night. I also think putting such an emphasis on tries and direct try assists is Huge-like in picking and choosing what stats matter and what don’t. His game has expanded, just not in the one area you’ve chosen to count over any and all others (though his 2 tries in 2 games also shows he’s meeting your main metric anyway). His defence has improved out of sight.

Herbie and Oates are both 2 tries from 2 games. Staggs and Cobbo haven’t scored a single try between them. 2 tries in a team that had 41% possession.

So he defends well, he often leads the comp for metres made by a centre, his edge scores tries, his winger scored tries, he has a high work rate but you feel the need to continually speak about him because he doesn’t pass enough? Should he pass more, even if it isn’t the better option, just to make you happy?

It’s just such a weird area to obsess over. It’s almost like saying Maywether didn’t throw enough punches. What more could you want from our left edge? Statistically?

Sure he may be a better winger, Latrell may be a better centre, but if the team isn’t improved by moving him there than that argument is irrelevant.


International Rep
Aug 25, 2018
I dunno. You definitely do appear to have obsessed with this issue. I really don’t recall any moments where Herbie passing was the better option on Sunday night. I also think putting such an emphasis on tries and direct try assists is Huge-like in picking and choosing what stats matter and what don’t. His game has expanded, just not in the one area you’ve chosen to count over any and all others (though his 2 tries in 2 games also shows he’s meeting your main metric anyway). His defence has improved out of sight.

Herbie and Oates are both 2 tries from 2 games. Staggs and Cobbo haven’t scored a single try between them. 2 tries in a team that had 41% possession.

So he defends well, he often leads the comp for metres made by a centre, his edge scores tries, his winger scored tries, he has a high work rate but you feel the need to continually speak about him because he doesn’t pass enough? Should he pass more, even if it isn’t the better option, just to make you happy?

It’s just such a weird area to obsess over. It’s almost like saying Maywether didn’t throw enough punches. What more could you want from our left edge? Statistically?
Big deal if I'm obsessed. I see a guy who gets incessant puppy-dog adulation here who in my opinion doesn't have the prerequisite skills in his position, while others like Jake, Kennedy, Flegler and Tesi get routinely scarified.

It might be weird fixating on a centre's shortcomings if you played in the forwards, but as someone who played a lot of wing when younger nothing shitted me more than Herbies who let the ball die in their hands.

I'm not judging him on the last week's game alone. I gave him man of the match. You make me keep saying the same stuff while paying out on me for replying.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
Big deal if I'm obsessed. I see a guy who gets incessant puppy-dog adulation here who in my opinion doesn't have the prerequisite skills in his position, while others like Jake, Kennedy, Flegler and Tesi get routinely scarified.

It might be weird fixating on a centre's shortcomings if you played in the forwards, but as someone who played a lot of wing when younger nothing shitted me more than Herbies who let the ball die in their hands.

I'm not judging him on the last week's game alone. I gave him man of the match. You make me keep saying the same stuff while paying out on me for replying.
All makes sense now.
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