Broncos Roster, Signings and Rumours Discussion 2022

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International Rep
Forum Staff
Sep 28, 2012
Brendan Frei for edge back row. I also saw George Fai the other day had a good game for the Tigers against the Jets. Look promising a few years ago, back playing league now. Can see the storm keeping an eye on him.

Is he still '4-foot-wide' ? I did see he was an announced signing the other day

Footy Fanatic

NRL Player
Dec 12, 2018
Talent wise Lodge and TPJ were also good options ... the question is the influence over the rest of the squad.

p.s. i don't know if he is a bad influence on the sqaud, a lazy trainer or just complacent until no one wanted him etc. just speculating on reasons we may not be prepared to take a punt for minimum wage

I think there has been a hesitancy to sign him because his defence has been very very suspect, both at fullback and at 6.


QCup Player
Dec 1, 2019
Idk what has happened with our edges we use to slide real well now we have guys shooting out of the line trying to shut shit down and more often than not it fails
It's definitely a tactic but we aren't pulling it off correctly. Melbourne are doing it to an extreme this year and it works quite well.


NRL Player
Sep 24, 2013
Brisbane Broncos powerhouse Rhys Kennedy... That's a weird way of spelling pillow.

Haha only joking, @Huge. I like Kennedy. I would be happy if he stuck around as depth. I know you love to tell everyone that he provides good go forward and good defence, and I agree with you that he goes alright relative to how few minutes he gets, and how little he is probably paid.

But if am building a premiership side, unfortunately, Kennedy probably wouldn't be in my top 17 unless I am forced to play him out of necessity. I think Jensen provides a bit more quality and probably costs around the same too. I believe Jensen has set the bar for what a bench forward should provide, and unless Kennedy or anyone else for that matter can match that, they shouldn't be in the team. This goes for all our bench forwards. So if we want to build a good side, we shouldn't be playing players that provide less than what Jensen does.

So if Kennedy wants to leave, then good luck to him. I wish him well. He seems like a good bloke.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 6, 2014
"Broncos powerhouse"

Plays 20 minutes a game off the bench, usually finds an error..


NRL Player
Sep 24, 2013
If we aren't going for Berrell, I would love to get Parcell back.
Would Berrell be a good addition to our team? From the little I've seen of him, he seems pretty good, but I can't figure out why he hasn't cracked first grade yet. I was hoping he'd get a run at the Sharks to see what he can do in the NRL, but sadly he hasn't been given a chance so far.
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