Broncos Roster, Signings and Rumours Discussion 2022

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International Rep
Oct 17, 2013
If someone wants free likes they should just re-post the articles McHunt steals directly after he steals them so anyone who has ever questioned Badel can see them too. I don't know if it's possible but articles shouldn't be hidden behind being blocked.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 6, 2014
Parcell wouldn't be the player we remember him to be, he'd have to have a bit of creativity with his kicks and passes otherwise it's barely an upgrade


Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
Here's an interesting discussion starter. I reckon these are the locked in spots for '23. Fill in the blanks and especially who is available (or you think will be available) on the market. We talk a lot about keeping money to recruit, I agree but who are we recruiting? It doesn't even have to be superstars

3. Staggs
7. Reynolds
8. Haas
10. Carrigan/Flegler
11. Capewell
12. Riki/Piakura
13 Hetherington/Carrigan

15. Robati/Willison
16. Willison/Robati

Now of course we have a number of kids who can be put in and around - Cobbo, Mam, Mariner, Niu, Mozer, Te Kura, Piakura

We also have journeymen who can be plugged in and played in case of not getting anyone - Jensen, Palasia (these two I think are better than journeymen but based on age and experience, they probably fit), Pereira, Lee, Gamble, Walters.

We also have some unsigned guys who are, depending on what you go with, unlikely to be here - Oates, Farnworth, Kennedy, James, Turpin.

So who are you retaining out of contract and who are you bringing in to fill out the positions and squad?


International Captain
May 27, 2013
Here's an interesting discussion starter. I reckon these are the locked in spots for '23. Fill in the blanks and especially who is available (or you think will be available) on the market. We talk a lot about keeping money to recruit, I agree but who are we recruiting? It doesn't even have to be superstars

3. Staggs
7. Reynolds
8. Haas
10. Carrigan/Flegler
11. Capewell
12. Riki/Piakura
13 Hetherington/Carrigan

15. Robati/Willison
16. Willison/Robati

Now of course we have a number of kids who can be put in and around - Cobbo, Mam, Mariner, Niu, Mozer, Te Kura, Piakura

We also have journeymen who can be plugged in and played in case of not getting anyone - Jensen, Palasia (these two I think are better than journeymen but based on age and experience, they probably fit), Pereira, Lee, Gamble, Walters.

We also have some unsigned guys who are, depending on what you go with, unlikely to be here - Oates, Farnworth, Kennedy, James, Turpin.

So who are you retaining out of contract and who are you bringing in to fill out the positions and squad?
I’d be open to having nikorima back. Give him a shot at 6 if that isn’t working he can be 14.
I bleed Maroon

I bleed Maroon

International Rep
Apr 17, 2013
Here's an interesting discussion starter. I reckon these are the locked in spots for '23. Fill in the blanks and especially who is available (or you think will be available) on the market. We talk a lot about keeping money to recruit, I agree but who are we recruiting? It doesn't even have to be superstars

3. Staggs
7. Reynolds
8. Haas
10. Carrigan/Flegler
11. Capewell
12. Riki/Piakura
13 Hetherington/Carrigan

15. Robati/Willison
16. Willison/Robati

Now of course we have a number of kids who can be put in and around - Cobbo, Mam, Mariner, Niu, Mozer, Te Kura, Piakura

We also have journeymen who can be plugged in and played in case of not getting anyone - Jensen, Palasia (these two I think are better than journeymen but based on age and experience, they probably fit), Pereira, Lee, Gamble, Walters.

We also have some unsigned guys who are, depending on what you go with, unlikely to be here - Oates, Farnworth, Kennedy, James, Turpin.

So who are you retaining out of contract and who are you bringing in to fill out the positions and squad?

1. Walsh
2. Oates
3. Staggs
4. Cobbo
5. Pereira/Lee
6. Mam
7. Reynolds
8. Haas
9. Mozer
10. Flegler
11. Capewell
12. Riki
13. Hetherington

14. Palasia
15. Robati
16. Piakura
17. Carrigan

We don't need to be buying any outside backs, we're well stacked there. We must invest heavily in the spine. I would be luring Walsh back with a healthy offer, especially if he is unhappy at the Warriors, and I think the class of him and Reynolds will be enough to allow Mam and Mozer to develop well in their own positions.

I am just about done with the bench utility experiment. We're way too soft in the middle when Haas and Carrigan come off. We have to go with a heavy bench. Carrigan is benched because I think one of him or Haas need to be on field at all times and you obviously start Haas. Haas is cycled with Carrigan and Flegler is cycled with Palasia. Melbourne have proven the strat of having a quality Prop on the bench works with NAS. Paix can be injury coverage for Mozer in reserve grade and Turpin is free to go wherever he wants (probably Super League, but a lifeline from the likes of the Dolphins or Tigers isn't beyond possibility either).


QCup Player
Apr 26, 2021
Here's an interesting discussion starter. I reckon these are the locked in spots for '23. Fill in the blanks and especially who is available (or you think will be available) on the market. We talk a lot about keeping money to recruit, I agree but who are we recruiting? It doesn't even have to be superstars

3. Staggs
7. Reynolds
8. Haas
10. Carrigan/Flegler
11. Capewell
12. Riki/Piakura
13 Hetherington/Carrigan

15. Robati/Willison
16. Willison/Robati

Now of course we have a number of kids who can be put in and around - Cobbo, Mam, Mariner, Niu, Mozer, Te Kura, Piakura

We also have journeymen who can be plugged in and played in case of not getting anyone - Jensen, Palasia (these two I think are better than journeymen but based on age and experience, they probably fit), Pereira, Lee, Gamble, Walters.

We also have some unsigned guys who are, depending on what you go with, unlikely to be here - Oates, Farnworth, Kennedy, James, Turpin.

So who are you retaining out of contract and who are you bringing in to fill out the positions and squad?
1. Tesi Nui
2. Corey Oates
3. Kotoni Staggs
4. Selwyn Cobbo
5. Jordan Pereria
6. Ezra Mam
7. Adam Reynolds
8. Payne Hass
9. Blake Mozer
10. Pat Carrigan
11. Kurt Capewell
12. Jordan Riki
13. Josh Mcguire

14. Kobe Hetherington
15. Thomas Flegler
16. Brandon Piakura
17. Kodi Nikorima

I would roll the dice and try to bring back McGuire on a two year contract for now, But sync him up with Reynolds. I'd make sure knew from the start, when Reynolds goes he goes too. If he can recapture some of his pre Seibold form, that pack looks good.

Kodi would also be told he is cover for the entire spine straight off the bat. Hetherington I'd have developing his defence at centre to cover there if needed.

I'd probably also sign Cooper Johns if I could or another spine utility player as injury cover for the spine.

If Farnsworth sticks around, I'd toy with moving Oates on. If he goes I'd try to retain Oates.

I think it's all in on the kids though. Mam, Mozer and Nui won't learn anything off Reynolds if they are in Q cup. The threat of being brought off for Kodi Nikorima should keep them working on being the best they can.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
Here's an interesting discussion starter. I reckon these are the locked in spots for '23. Fill in the blanks and especially who is available (or you think will be available) on the market. We talk a lot about keeping money to recruit, I agree but who are we recruiting? It doesn't even have to be superstars

3. Staggs
7. Reynolds
8. Haas
10. Carrigan/Flegler
11. Capewell
12. Riki/Piakura
13 Hetherington/Carrigan

15. Robati/Willison
16. Willison/Robati

Now of course we have a number of kids who can be put in and around - Cobbo, Mam, Mariner, Niu, Mozer, Te Kura, Piakura

We also have journeymen who can be plugged in and played in case of not getting anyone - Jensen, Palasia (these two I think are better than journeymen but based on age and experience, they probably fit), Pereira, Lee, Gamble, Walters.

We also have some unsigned guys who are, depending on what you go with, unlikely to be here - Oates, Farnworth, Kennedy, James, Turpin.

So who are you retaining out of contract and who are you bringing in to fill out the positions and squad?
The apparent off contract players for next year that are worth signing imo (not saying we should sign them, just that they would be good pick ups for any club):

Outside backs:
Tom Opacic
Taylah May
Christian Crichton

Kieren Foran
Matt Moylon
Hayze Perham
Anthony Milford
Tom Starling
Matt Parcell

Matt Eisenhuth
Siosiua Takiuaho
Royce Hunt
Herman Ese Ese
Martin Taupau (low wage)
Jarrod Wallace
Angus Crichton
Ryan Matterson
Briton Nikora
Joe Stimson
Tariq Sims

From that list, depending on contract size of course, I’d consider the following:

Angus Crichton
Tom Starling
Matt Moylon


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
Based on the above:

1. Walsh (800k)
2. Oates (350k)
4. Cobbo (400k)
3. Staggs (800k)
5. Mariner (250k)
6. Moylan / Mam (300k/200k)
7. Reynolds (700k)
8. Carrigan (500k)
9. Starling (300k)
10. Haas (850k)
11. Capewell (400k)
12. Riki (350k)
13. Matterson (400k)

14. Flegler (450k)
15. Hetherington (300k)
16. Jenson (200k)
17. Wallace (250k)


International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
The apparent off contract players for next year that are worth signing imo (not saying we should sign them, just that they would be good pick ups for any club):

Outside backs:
Tom Opacic
Taylah May
Christian Crichton

Kieren Foran
Matt Moylon
Hayze Perham
Anthony Milford
Tom Starling
Matt Parcell

Matt Eisenhuth
Siosiua Takiuaho
Royce Hunt
Herman Ese Ese
Martin Taupau (low wage)
Jarrod Wallace
Angus Crichton
Ryan Matterson
Briton Nikora
Joe Stimson
Tariq Sims

From that list, depending on contract size of course, I’d consider the following:

Angus Crichton
Tom Starling
Matt Moylon

Ese'Ese has just fallen off a cliff with his form. He looked good when he was here.
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