Broncos Roster, Signings and Rumours Discussion 2022

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State of Origin Captain
May 5, 2016
Word is Newcastle is now going after Munster, but I think you're right. There's an even bigger chance Reece will stay in NZ though, especially if Cobbo nails down fullback.

Stay in NZ? He hasn’t been there and apparently doesn’t want to move long term.

Any chance we sign Ponga? Can't say I want him but you'd think the club would be exploring it.

I’d take him in a heart beat.


State of Origin Captain
May 5, 2016
Would anyone be willing to lose Haas for Walsh or Ponga?


International Captain
Senior Staff
Apr 26, 2008
Remember it's reported we have an extra 400-500k next year by moving Isaako on round 1. Surely that's Walsh money right there and an extra 200k you get by Oates going from 500k to 300k.
Mister Wright

Mister Wright

NRL Captain
Jun 8, 2009
Remember it's reported we have an extra 400-500k next year by moving Isaako on round 1. Surely that's Walsh money right there and an extra 200k you get by Oates going from 500k to 300k.
If only the NRL made players’ salaries public, we could dissect this accurately.


NRL Player
Jul 3, 2021
Would anyone be willing to lose Haas for Walsh or Ponga?
I'd be happy with just one.
Walsh would be my preference.. if all goes right you could build a future spine of Walsh, Mozer, Mam. You've got 10 years with 3 spine players minimum. Walsh will come the cheapest without shedding current players.
Ponga is still young too but he's already asking a Mill or more at 24 our cap will be tight for years to come and we'll loose players we don't want to loose along the way I think.
Ponga has been in the NRL for a while now and he hasn't really taken his game to the next level yet.

And take into account we need a halfback in about 3 years.


International Captain
Jan 14, 2015
Barely lasts 30 minutes.

I think he had been playing Rugby iirc. If he could get himself fit i think there He looked pretty decent against the Jets. Be interesting to see how he goes.


NRL Captain
Apr 4, 2014
I'd be going for Walsh.

I still dont think walsh is an nrl ready player and think he would of ended up such a better player if he just waited. Shame on warriors for doing what they did imo and no one can convince me it was the right thing for the kid .

getting his body smashed as much as it has before being fully developed. It will take its tole on him long term make no mistake. and it already has started to now.

Walsh does some flashy brilliant stuff but to me Hes like Mam, you could throw mam in this team and see some equally exciting flashy plays that walsh pulls off but the truth is there bodies and mind just are not ready for nrl week in week out.

Unfortunately Its probably to late to drop walsh back to cup for a year or so to develop.

Guess what im trying to say is Walsh is not the answer for the broncos not yet anyway. We do need a Fullback until cobbo is ready . No idea who that would be though.

This team desperately needs a talker and someone to direct the defence around from the back

Dont care much about flashy attack we need our defense sorted asap so sick of being the worst defensive side in the comp.

looking at ladder we are now second last behind dogs on most points conceded. for us to ever move off the bottom we need to get that side of the game sorted first.


State of Origin Captain
May 5, 2016
Not Ponga and we don’t need to lose Haas to get Walsh.

That’s the ideal scenario imo

But I would consider Ponga over Haas.

Ponga and ARey could be shit hot.
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