I honestly think thats wishful thinking of you reckon we have nothing to worry about if the offer i understand he had is correct. As i said, only an idiot goes to market hoping for a bidding war if he has had no other offers. He's 100% talked to other clubs and codes. His father and Union have openly admitted he's talked to them. He's clearly not happy with our offer and thinks he can get more elsewhere.
I've copped plenty of shit over the years for my opinions on Payne and his character ( and his family ), way before he really got into any trouble and sadly i've been right on most occasions. I always said he was going to market. I think his words are hollow how he talks about Brisbane and his next contract. The thing that will trip him up with all this i believe is him saying its not about money, its about winning premierships. Apart from Penrith, who wont go for him anyway, we are as good a chance as any club at winning a premiership, and he can do that with his mates like he claims he wants to. No need to go to market. But thats what he is doing.
And just for the record, i have no issue whatsoever if its a money thing. I think most people would be crazy to not want more money than they get now. Just dont bullshit the fans. Be honest. Or do what Patty did and actually back up your talk with actions.
I have no doubt he’s talking to other parties both inside and outside the NRL, but talk is cheap and he can’t have a concrete offer on the table until after November 1, at least from within the NRL.
My read of the situation is that he’s more or less sincere about wanting to stay, and if it comes down to 100-200 grand a season one way or the other, he’d probably be happy to stay and we’ll secure him, but if we get to a situation where he’s fielding concrete offers with a much greater difference than that, then I don’t think it’s unrealistic for him to want to sound that out and find out for sure. It’s just basic good business on his part and it only benefits the Broncos to not sign up now before testing the market in a firm way. I can’t think of a single reason why he’d sign any sooner that would benefit only him?
Like I said, this is his absolute biggest potential payday, and whilst he’s been far from trouble free during his time here, he’s been generally excellent on field, one of our best 2 or 3 year in, year out, mostly pulled his weight commercially, and he’s done it for most of that contract on less money, sometimes MUCH less money, than he could have got elsewhere if he’d kicked stones and forced us to release him. I think we’ve had our money’s worth out of him already and he’s entitled to want to know for certain that if he stays loyal that he didn’t take an insane hair cut in order to do so.
He may have his issues and you’re absolutely right in raising concerns around his character, but at the end of the day he’s a prolific and consistent footballer that far out performs any of the relatively small headaches he’s caused in the process, and he’s demonstrated that over a long period of time now.
I just can’t see any good reason for him to take our offer without getting to hold formal talks and get concrete offers elsewhere first and if I’m his agent I think it would be bordering on professional negligence to advise him otherwise. I don’t like it as a Broncos fan, but I can’t in good conscience expect someone to do something that is plainly not in their own best financial and professional interests.