Good shout I reckon. But having said that you never know how much impact the assistant coaches have had on the team performances until they are gone, and even then it could be clouded.
He could go, we could get better, worse or stay the same and no one will truly know whether he was the difference. I hope we go for experience and someone who gets along with the others though as it seems to be a good environment and united front. Or maybe ballins role increases. I think hunt will be a good replacement for briers or ballin though (although I'd prefer they don't leave), it'd just mean our coaching experience surrounding Walters will drop dramatically if we don't get an experienced person.
On coaches. Boyd seems to be doing a great role. He takes the outside backs from memory, there isn't one that hasn't improved (bar Oates, but even he has been solid last couple games). Between Boyd, briers, ballin, and maybe hunt, seems we have some of the best up and coming coaches coming through as well. Says a lot about the organisation I believe...