Broncos v Bulldogs Build-up thread

It's all a mess. The game looks like it won't be the block buster it should be anyway. I'm not sure whether to go out of my way to get to my mate's house to watch this...
NRL were only sucking up to Channel 9.

On the TV they are saying Gallop is on his way to Brisbane.
This is just getting beyond ridiculous now!!! So Gallop is heading to Brisbane for talks, hope something gets sorted out tonight so we know. I just hope someone in that meeting uses some common sense and not drag it on until late tomorrow.
I reckon they'll announce what's happening during The Footy Show tonight.
ps... thank god I am not flying to Brisbane for this game. * Hi Jeza & Rocky *
Well the Dogs are here and if they run on do we lose two points for forfeit? Guess so hey.
If the Broncs medical staff say don't play then what options do they have really?
I'm not sure what's to gain by refusing to play, unless we actually can't field a team.
Probably just trying to make a point at the ridiculousness of it all.

I can see all sides of this arguement. Bruno did say at one point today their medical staff have advised the players' health is at risk if they play, therefore the club would be derelict in their duty of care if they make them play.

If this game is cancelled or postponed, it is certainly going to open up a massive Pandora's Box for similar situations for the rest of the season.

It's a tough one and I am glad I don't have to make the decision either way.
Yeah I just think there are good times to "make a point" and bad times. If they refuse to play they'll just be seen as whingers and bad sports, and I doubt it will change anything in the future. If it's decided to go ahead then I think it's best if they just suck it up and play.

I agree though, I'm very glad I'm not making the decision.

I think a reason is they haven't trained & could get hurt etc.
Please. It's no big deal if they go a week without training. They don't forget how to tackle etc and lose condition in a week.

they WILL be at risk of being flogged which I think is the real issue here.
Agree Coxy - at this level a week of not training is not that big of a deal, in fact I am pretty sure there were seasons past when Benny GAVE them a week off training around this time of the season anyway. Plus there would be barely a week in the whole season when the whole squad made every training session. And all but the origin guys trained on Monday and I think Tuesday morning - the origin guys trained today. However if there are still players at risk of having the flu (any flu) but may not have shown symtoms as yet, then that is a potential health issue. Though I agree there may be some of the 'we don't want to get flogged 2 weeks in a row' behind it.
Well, ABC News just confirmed the Broncos are playing. and reports that Karmichael Hunt will play too.

We're going to get flogged, it's utterly ridiculous.