Broncos v Souths *spoilers*

Attitude and commitment once again are the problem absolute disgrace I can't see the fans sticking around to watch the Broncos put in piss weak performamces like they did tonight..
Twiztid said:
Bull_Shark said:
why can't you blame origin ? for fcuk's sake what other club pours so many players into this series year after year and is forced to just deal with the physical fallout when club football returns ?

Doing my quick maths of the starting teams. You guys only had 4 players this year in each SOO game. Don't blame Origin when the players you lost last year is the real reason you can't handle this time of the year. Plus by the sounds of it Souths are playing out of their skin.

I agree (which is quite surprising). Hunt and Hodges are backs and whilst Thaiday and Lockyer are losses, they can't be used as excuses. One forward in Thaiday isn't the end of the world, and Crocker was out too. As for Lockyer being out, well if you believe some people Wallace is an awesome halfback, so against a Souths side he should still have a strong influence if given a good platform (which, with only Thaiday and Kenny missing, should be something that is provided). Credit to Souths for playing well, yes, but a home game against them with the players we fielded is a game where there should be no excuses for losing. To not only lose, but to get thumped, goes to show how much the club has turned to crap.

I don't know if it is the loss of Bennett, Bruno Cullen, or the absolutely shocking decisions that have been made in the last year or so, but what made the Broncos a special club seems to have disappeared.
I would like to apologise to GCBRONCO. I would rather Williams then Michaels :P
Ari Gold

IMO: I think some of the players are over confident & just expect to turn up & win.

Henjak has to bite the bullet & drop some 1st graders.
The broncos have to bite the bullet and sack Henjack, the really big difference this year is no WB, never ever seen a Bronco's team give up so often and so easily, never in 20 years. Henjack has to go, he really has no idea, anyone who constantly plays a centre who has absolutely no idea in defence and little in attack, just proves the point.
Pathetic !!!! We wont make the 8 for dirst time in i think 15 years, Titans by 50 next week and Michaels and Winterstein go back to QLD cup or better still union right side defence is woeful worst i have ever seen.
Beads6 said:
Wallace needs to be dropped I am sick to death of his crap tbh...

Are you kidding? Him, Hodges and Hunt seem to be the only ones interested.
Can't say I've ever felt it before but tonight I'm ashamed to be a Broncos fan.
Our season is over

Henjak has to go along with Michaels, Winterstien and any other player that thinks constant stupid shoulder charges are great tactics in defense.
Pathetic and embarrassing.

I'm sick of Steve Michaels, he is shit. Others played poorly, but he took the cake. Terrible performance.
Je$ter said:
Beads6 said:
Wallace needs to be dropped I am sick to death of his crap tbh...

Are you kidding? Him, Hodges and Hunt seem to be the only ones interested.

I agree. His defence also saved us a couple of times.
Wallace is our only viable option at half, but he has increasingly looked like a younger, slightly faster red headed Shane Perry.


Awesome game. I think the broncos were lacking their usual charisma but then again Souths never really let them into the game. So glas Michaels is still in the team though [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. I think Karmichael has to go, he's nothing.
Yeah, something has to be done about our left side defence. Wallace and Michaels had absolutely no idea tonight.
I think Wallace is a good half but needs someone to help take the pressure off when times are tough and things are going wrong. Usually that is Lockyer but no-one else really helped him today.
Playboy Bunny said:
I think Karmichael has to go, he's nothing.

I'd much rather he stay.

If anyone has to go it's Michaels. I sound like a broken record, but i am welly and truly pissed off with his efforts tonight.