Broncos Vs. Raiders - Build Up Thread

Hunt is out to 6. Would love to see Wallace playing two passes wide though.
It's been confirmed that Wallace replaces Norman so looks like Wallace is finally in the 6 and Hunt at 7
A good call being made eventually.

Without Lockyer this is our best halves combination.

6. Wallace.
7. Hunt.

Come boys pull off a miracle !!

And Dodds to start, Gillet to the bench.
Browny said:
The way we might be able to beat the raiders

1. Smash Dugan, he already is carrying an injury and goes down during the game often. Bash him out of the game (legally of course)

2. Niggle Campese, if he gets fired up he is prone to massive brain farts even getting binned. Limit his effectiveness you limit there attack

3. Run the forwards at Buttriss, he is there only hooking option so will play for 80min. Exhaust him to limit his effectiveness around the ruck with the big forwards. We arent going to dominate them but might reduce the damage.

I wouldnt be surprised to see waddell play, he really adds speed to their ruck
The only way we can win this game is if we contain their forwards, which means our pack is really going to have to lift their act a friggin' lot !!!

We can beat them, if out attitude is right.
Just watched bits and pieces of the Warriors match again.

If we defend anywhere near as badly on Friday somebody is going to get a kick up the ass, Simpsons style.

Dead set it was just embarrassing, the line speed just wasn't there. Out of 17 players only two can hold their heads up high and given Dodds is one of them and that's his only job it's saying something.

Anyways I hope we make some last minute changes to our forward pack. Either Kenny or Dodds have to start the game in place of Te'o who'll shift back into the second row position forcing Gillett onto the bench where he belongs.

I just hope we have a dig tomorrow night. That we throw the ball around and we don't die wondering. Even if we lose, if the players actually play like they want to be out there (or in other words, the effort is there) then I'll be satisfied. If I'm given another Newcastle or Warriors performance I'll be getting the boot ready myself and shining it up real nice so that Hook can go to town on these boys.
Big Pete said:
Just watched bits and pieces of the Warriors match again.

If we defend anywhere near as badly on Friday somebody is going to get a kick up the ass, Simpsons style.

Dead set it was just embarrassing, the line speed just wasn't there. Out of 17 players only two can hold their heads up high and given Dodds is one of them and that's his only job it's saying something.

Anyways I hope we make some last minute changes to our forward pack. Either Kenny or Dodds have to start the game in place of Te'o who'll shift back into the second row position forcing Gillett onto the bench where he belongs.

I just hope we have a dig tomorrow night. That we throw the ball around and we don't die wondering. Even if we lose, if the players actually play like they want to be out there (or in other words, the effort is there) then I'll be satisfied. If I'm given another Newcastle or Warriors performance I'll be getting the boot ready myself and shining it up real nice so that Hook can go to town on these boys.

That's what is lacking. When we did that, we beat anyone.

Wally at 6 is where he should have been ages ago. If he shows some form there, maybe he is Locky's replacement when he retires?

T'eo at prop? Lets hope not.

Ivan Ivan Ivan
I know there are some cartilage injuries that can't be needled. Either that or he has broken ribs and they just haven't wanted to let the cat out of the bag. We all saw what happened to Kemp coming back early from those bad boys...
Rocky, painkillers in that area are somewhat hit and miss. If it were as simple as playing with some discomfort old Locky would not have missed a game !!! he is as tough as they come . It is much more complicated than any of us can understand and is not a simple thing to resolve. I trust Lockyer and the medical staff, if he could play no force on Earth would stop him.
The Rock said:
Why can't Lockyer have some pain killing injections? Is he worried about actually re-injuring it or is he worried about the pain being too intense to play with?

I think the issue is that any heavy knocks to the area (regardless if he had pain killers and didnt feel pain from it) would only worsen the injury and lengthen the recovery time.

He mentioned that he trained fine with the injury but felt the effects afterwards.
Exactly. It's like playing on with a knee or ankle injury. You can probably do it, but you'll most likely need surgery in the offseason to fix the damage.
The Rock said:
Why can't Lockyer have some pain killing injections? Is he worried about actually re-injuring it or is he worried about the pain being too intense to play with?

Probably both. He'd be unable to breathe deeply, wouldn't have a full range of movement, and most doctors recommend at least 6 weeks off for rib cartilage injuries, whereas he's had 3-4. No point going out, playing at 50%, then copping a hit that prevents the ribs from healing properly and leaves him in this condition the rest of his life.
What dukey said. Plus, really, who thinks we'd beat the Dragons in week 1, even knowing we beat them 5 weeks ago?
The Rock said:
Why can't Lockyer have some pain killing injections? Is he worried about actually re-injuring it or is he worried about the pain being too intense to play with?

I think the rest of the Broncos team should be embarrassed for letting their season come down to this, where people expect Lockyer to return well before an injury has healed. Just one decent performance in the last three would've been enough to not have us in such a dire situation; instead, they get flogged twice.