Broncos withdraw their two year offer to Greg Inglis

Anonymous person

Anonymous person

Banned User
Dec 16, 2008
i dont see why the broncos just dont do what they did with Bennett, since apparently theres nothing wrong with it - get the Thoroughbreds to give their 'friends' - the players - big cash amounts every year thats not included under the salary cap.

whats that, Lockyers only on the books for $100k a year? lucky for him hes being given $600k a year from his friends in the Thoroughbreds. i have no doubt something like that will be going on with souths and inglis, so why dont we get stuck into it since its not against the rules.


Life is a Fantasy League
Jan 9, 2011
broncospwn said:
I'm eating at a leb shop and on next table are mundine and hodges next to me.

Yeah rumor I have heard is that we at doing a deal to swap Hodges for champion.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Anonymous person said:
i dont see why the broncos just dont do what they did with Bennett, since apparently theres nothing wrong with it - get the Thoroughbreds to give their 'friends' - the players - big cash amounts every year thats not included under the salary cap.

whats that, Lockyers only on the books for $100k a year? lucky for him hes being given $600k a year from his friends in the Thoroughbreds. i have no doubt something like that will be going on with souths and inglis, so why dont we get stuck into it since its not against the rules.

Um, it IS against the rules. If the Broncos Thoroughbreds are found to GIVE players money while still under contract the Broncos would be in deep shit for salary cap breaches!


Mar 5, 2008
And any payments to coaches from the club or outside sources are not subject to salary cap, so what Talbot gave Bennett is completely irrelevant in any case.


State of Origin Rep
Jul 28, 2008
broncospwn said:
I'm eating at a leb shop and on next table are mundine and hodges next to me.

Hodges to south sydney to make up the no. 1 centre pairing.
Anonymous person

Anonymous person

Banned User
Dec 16, 2008
Coxy said:
Anonymous person said:
i dont see why the broncos just dont do what they did with Bennett, since apparently theres nothing wrong with it - get the Thoroughbreds to give their 'friends' - the players - big cash amounts every year thats not included under the salary cap.

whats that, Lockyers only on the books for $100k a year? lucky for him hes being given $600k a year from his friends in the Thoroughbreds. i have no doubt something like that will be going on with souths and inglis, so why dont we get stuck into it since its not against the rules.

Um, it IS against the rules. If the Broncos Thoroughbreds are found to GIVE players money while still under contract the Broncos would be in deep shit for salary cap breaches!
alright, some of the thoroughbreds should leave the thoroughbreds and do it. problem solved. or just officially disband the thoroughbreds, and give them money.

tell me if im getting this wrong, but is there nothing in the rules against just some random joe blow NRL fan, who has no official affiliation with the club, just giving a player $200k a year to play for the team he supports?


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Anonymous person said:
Coxy said:
[quote="Anonymous person":jz5nx60t]i dont see why the broncos just dont do what they did with Bennett, since apparently theres nothing wrong with it - get the Thoroughbreds to give their 'friends' - the players - big cash amounts every year thats not included under the salary cap.

whats that, Lockyers only on the books for $100k a year? lucky for him hes being given $600k a year from his friends in the Thoroughbreds. i have no doubt something like that will be going on with souths and inglis, so why dont we get stuck into it since its not against the rules.

Um, it IS against the rules. If the Broncos Thoroughbreds are found to GIVE players money while still under contract the Broncos would be in deep shit for salary cap breaches!
alright, some of the thoroughbreds should leave the thoroughbreds and do it. problem solved. or just officially disband the thoroughbreds, and give them money.[/quote:jz5nx60t]

It'd just be too suss. Especially if anyone giving money is known to have previously been involved with the thoroughbreds or sponsored the Broncos or whatever.
Anonymous person

Anonymous person

Banned User
Dec 16, 2008
Coxy said:
It'd just be too suss. Especially if anyone giving money is known to have previously been involved with the thoroughbreds or sponsored the Broncos or whatever.
suss, but legal?


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Anonymous person said:
Coxy said:
It'd just be too suss. Especially if anyone giving money is known to have previously been involved with the thoroughbreds or sponsored the Broncos or whatever.
suss, but legal?

Dunno. It'd be up to the discretion of the salary cap auditor whether they feel the "gift" was dependent on being signed to the Broncos. If he does, then bam, it counts on the cap.


QCup Player
Mar 15, 2010
draggx said:
broncospwn said:
I'm eating at a leb shop and on next table are mundine and hodges next to me.

Yeah rumor I have heard is that we at doing a deal to swap Hodges for champion.

Champion is Inglis's cousin.
Beau was the one that was talking Inglis to come to Souths few months back


NRL Player
Mar 5, 2008
His fiance is getting a job in Sydney now? I agree with whoever said the whole thing smells foul. Definitely something fishy.

I don't care - I'm going to assume its $$$ until GI mans up and says WHY and none of this "I'm my own man rubbish". For what its worth - if he came out and said "ITS FOR THE MONEY" - I would have MORE respect for that. Still a dog for backing out on his word but I've got no problem with players going to clubs for more $$$.

As far as I'm concerned if he doesn't man up and say why - he went for the $$$.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
This was reported about yesterday.

Inglis hits phones for Lang lowdown

Greg Inglis is understood to have canvassed several insiders, including his cousin Preston Campbell, on what John Lang is like as a coach as he prepares to become a Rabbitoh next year.

South Sydney chief executive Shane Richardson and Inglis's manager, Allan Gainey, spoke by telephone yesterday, as Gainey was still on the Gold Coast on business. They will meet in Sydney today, intending to complete a deal, with an announcement likely by tomorrow. ... 17nq4.html


Mar 4, 2008
So he has signed with Souths for 3 seasons. Proves he told another lie about wanting to be back at the Storm after 2.


State of Origin Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Will Karma get me, if I wish a long term injury on him.


International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
There are rumours doing the rounds about him not wanting to play under Henjak.

Now, I'm definitely not a fan of Henjak, but if there's any truth to this, I don't get it!
He never played or was even trained by IH, so he must have been asking around, the same way as he apparently has been asking about John Lang, and the answers displeased him... [icon_shru

This in no way excuses Inglis, who has basically proven that simple things like his word and honour aren't in his dictionary.
I'm also with those who think he's a simpleton who was brainwashed by Crowe and Mundine, as well as a deal where g/f gets a job, the legal bill gets paid, and there are some extra incentives on the side, like maybe a bigger boat... :roll:
I very much doubt Souths isn't rorting the cap too on this one!

This doesn't excuse what I think has been a poor approach by the club on his recruitment, although I totally support the stance of withdrawing the offer at the end.

I really, really hope we'll return Souths the favour and poach one of their best, rather sooner than later! They've just climbed to the top 3 most hated clubs in my book, after the dragqueens and chooks, and it takes a fair bit to dislodge Manly, Storm and Titans from my ranking! :evil:


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
audragon said:
There are rumours doing the rounds about him not wanting to play under Henjak.

Now, I'm definitely not a fan of Henjak, but if there's any truth to this, I don't get it!
He never played or was even trained by IH, so he must have been asking around, the same way as he apparently has been asking about John Lang, and the answers displeased him... [icon_shru

This in no way excuses Inglis, who has basically proven that simple things like his word and honour aren't in his dictionary.
I'm also with those who think he's a simpleton who was brainwashed by Crowe and Mundine, as well as a deal where g/f gets a job, the legal bill gets paid, and there are some extra incentives on the side, like maybe a bigger boat... :roll:
I very much doubt Souths isn't rorting the cap too on this one!

This doesn't excuse what I think has been a poor approach by the club on his recruitment, although I totally support the stance of withdrawing the offer at the end.

I really, really hope we'll return Souths the favour and poach one of their best, rather sooner than later! They've just climbed to the top 3 most hated clubs in my book, after the dragqueens and chooks, and it takes a fair bit to dislodge Manly, Storm and Titans from my ranking! :evil:

if that was the case then he would never have agreed to sign with us as he always knew Henjak would be the coach. IMO, this comes down to a money decision for him and possibly his mrs as it was rumoured that Souths helped her find a job in Sydney (and whos to say whether her salary at the new job is not elevated as a way to get GI into the red and green)


International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
You might be right on the money, except it doesn explain why he didn't sign the deal earlier then... eusa_think


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