Broncos withdraw their two year offer to Greg Inglis



Mar 5, 2008
audragon said:
There are rumours doing the rounds about him not wanting to play under Henjak.

Now, I'm definitely not a fan of Henjak, but if there's any truth to this, I don't get it!
He never played or was even trained by IH, so he must have been asking around, the same way as he apparently has been asking about John Lang, and the answers displeased him... [icon_shru

Yeah but even if this is the case and he asked about IH and didn't like what he heard - he would have had said answers and have decided he didn't want to play under IH before he looked Andrew Gee in the eye, shook hands and re-affirmed his commitment to play for the Broncos - just 24hrs before he suddenly didn't. That is what has pissed me off the most - he signed a written agreement of intent a couple of months ago, spoke publicly about coming to Brisbane, once again re-affirms his commitment with a handshake (which we now all know means nothing) and 24 hrs later just pulls out without any real explanation.


It's Bronco Time
Aug 27, 2008
Flutterby said:
Yeah but even if this is the case and he asked about IH and didn't like what he heard - he would have had said answers and have decided he didn't want to play under IH before he looked Andrew Gee in the eye, shook hands and re-affirmed his commitment to play for the Broncos - just 24hrs before he suddenly didn't. That is what has pissed me off the most - he signed a written agreement of intent a couple of months ago, spoke publicly about coming to Brisbane, once again re-affirms his commitment with a handshake (which we now all know means nothing) and 24 hrs later just pulls out without any real explanation.

This is EXACTLY right

I don't mind if the guy plays for Souths

I don't mind if he plays for the highest bidder - hell, I might do the same

I care about him shaking hands with Gee and then walking away

Let's face it - he did not chage his mind in that 24 hrs

He knew when he shook Gee's hand and said "I'm playing for you" that he was going to see what Souths had on the table

It was a dog act and I hope he has a sh*t season


International Captain
Senior Staff
Feb 27, 2010
Flutterby said:
audragon said:
There are rumours doing the rounds about him not wanting to play under Henjak.

Now, I'm definitely not a fan of Henjak, but if there's any truth to this, I don't get it!
He never played or was even trained by IH, so he must have been asking around, the same way as he apparently has been asking about John Lang, and the answers displeased him... [icon_shru

Yeah but even if this is the case and he asked about IH and didn't like what he heard - he would have had said answers and have decided he didn't want to play under IH before he looked Andrew Gee in the eye, shook hands and re-affirmed his commitment to play for the Broncos - just 24hrs before he suddenly didn't. That is what has pissed me off the most - he signed a written agreement of intent a couple of months ago, spoke publicly about coming to Brisbane, once again re-affirms his commitment with a handshake (which we now all know means nothing) and 24 hrs later just pulls out without any real explanation.

Don't get me wrong, I totally agree with you and for me Inglis has sunk below Monaghan's dog act.

The question is whether he was somehow expecting Henjak would be out by the time the pre-season starts.
All of this is speculation of course, but I wonder how things would have gone with Benny at the helm...? eusa_think
Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
I highly doubt GI will see out his 3 year contract at Souths.... If he is looking after himself he would be playing in France somewhere living the good life not hanging around Redfern.
Anonymous person

Anonymous person

Banned User
Dec 16, 2008
Bucking Beads said:
I highly doubt GI will see out his 3 year contract at Souths.... If he is looking after himself he would be playing in France somewhere living the good life not hanging around Redfern.
he cant go overseas - the flights are so long that theres a good chance itll rain during the flight, and planes dont fly in the rain.


QCup Player
Mar 12, 2008
Anonymous person said:
[quote="Bucking Beads":v43fxe41]I highly doubt GI will see out his 3 year contract at Souths.... If he is looking after himself he would be playing in France somewhere living the good life not hanging around Redfern.
he cant go overseas - the flights are so long that theres a good chance itll rain during the flight, and planes dont fly in the rain.[/quote:v43fxe41]



Oct 3, 2010
Have to agree with audragon.Everyone knows the players dont like Henjak, and dont rate him.In Origin camp they have probably been talking about what its like back at the club.

Why would GI only want to sign for 2 year at the Broncos, but sign for 3 years at the Rabbits ?

I think GI was told Henjak was on his way out, and probably around the time when Nolan was sacked (when Henjak was in the USA) realised it wasnt gonna happen and looked for a way out.

Henjak and Cullen are stains on the club and the sooner there removed the better.


QCup Player
Feb 2, 2010
Insight said:
Have to agree with audragon.Everyone knows the players dont like Henjak, and dont rate him.In Origin camp they have probably been talking about what its like back at the club.

Why would GI only want to sign for 2 year at the Broncos, but sign for 3 years at the Rabbits ?

I think GI was told Henjak was on his way out, and probably around the time when Nolan was sacked (when Henjak was in the USA) realised it wasnt gonna happen and looked for a way out.

Henjak and Cullen are stains on the club and the sooner there removed the better.

totally agree. whatever happened to the talk of wayne coming back...... [icon_frown
Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
I honestly think we need to get over wayne... He is a broncos legend but he needed a change and so did the club imo


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Bucking Beads said:
I honestly think we need to get iver wayne... He is a broncos legend buthe needed a change and so did the club imo



Oct 3, 2010
Bucking Beads said:
I honestly think we need to get over wayne... He is a broncos legend but he needed a change and so did the club imo

Maybe so, but you don't trade in a rolls royce for a 84 Gemini.

If we had got someone of the stature of Bellamy, Hasler or even Meninga it wouldnt have been such an issue, but Henjak ?? haha


NRL Player
Mar 5, 2008
Yup. As great as WB is - It was time.

The writing was on the wall as well IMO. You could tell the Broncos were changing.
Bucking Beads

Bucking Beads

International Captain
Mar 5, 2008
Insight said:
Bucking Beads said:
I honestly think we need to get over wayne... He is a broncos legend but he needed a change and so did the club imo

Maybe so, but you don't trade in a rolls royce for a 84 Gemini.

If we had got someone of the stature of Bellamy, Hasler or even Meninga it wouldnt have been such an issue, but Henjak ?? haha

Your post failed at Hasler then got really really bad at Meninga... [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1. [icon_lol1.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Meninga's coaching career at State of Origin is great, his club record is another thing altogether, I'm not so sure his upto the task week in and week out as a head coach and his record at Canberra as one is hardly encouraging, much different task for State of Origin then it is to get the best out of your players for an entire season.


Oct 3, 2010
Hasler is a premiership winning coach with a record for getting the most out of his players.

Meninga was a rookie when he coached Canberra working with an average roster, and a rugby league icon able to attract players to the club, as opposed to Henjak who repels players from the club.Im pretty confident GI would rather have played for Meninga than Langy and obviously Henjak.

Either one is preferable to Henjak, imo.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Insight said:
Hasler is a premiership winning coach with a record for getting the most out of his players.

Meninga was a rookie when he coached Canberra working with an average roster, and a rugby league icon able to attract players to the club, as opposed to Henjak who repels players from the club.Im pretty confident GI would rather have played for Meninga than Langy and obviously Henjak.

Either one is preferable to Henjak, imo.

Meninga wasn't an icon from a coaching perspective that attracted players to the Raiders during his time there(hell even Hasler attracted more during his first few seasons in the NRL of note) and as the Raiders and previous coaches of theirs have shown in the past they can still achieve things with an average roster he showed no real evidence that he was upto the task of coaching an NRL side fulltime which is a far different and more difficult task then coaching for a few weeks of the season, especially when you have the balance of talent available at your disposal at that level in your favour, quite frankly I'm not convinced his upto the task of coaching an NRL side on a fulltime basis and his not even shown as much as an interest in doing so again..

As for Henjak I think you like a lot of Broncos fans are being far too harsh for a rookie coach entering a position to replace a coach of the calibre of Wayne Bennett at the Broncos. Bennett was given the resources and more importantly the time(Bennett himself didn't take the Broncos to the finals until 3 seasons in with a roster that Henjak certainly doesn't have at his disposal and didn't expect premiership results until roughly 5 years in, hell didn't the fans want Bennett gone for not getting the instant results expected as well as player dramas such as with Lewis, what if the club based their decisionmaking solely on that where would we have gone then?) to achieve his goals but during that time of getting there his seasons at the helm were patchy at best too considering what he had to work with from a player roster perspective. As for player retainment the club was already in a mess with Bennett there before Henjak took over the reins, the process of cleaning out the player squad was in motion because of Salary cap restraints, so regardless of the coach who entered the position the club was in that position and would continue to be so for coming seasons.


Oct 3, 2010
Attracting players to Brisbane is a bit easier than it is in Canberra.I'd speculate the climate, stadium, crowds,recent history and players like Hodges, Lockyer and Thaiday help.

Bennet built a club from scratch.From nothing.Henjak has all the infrastructure, scouting, feeder clubs and a history that should help attract, retain and develop top tier players at the club.He cant.Because Bennet was given time, probably based on making a GF with Canberra in his first year or perhaps winning comps in the QLD competition help, doesnt mean Henjak should.What has Henjak won as a coach ?The players dont even want to fucking play for him, they would run through fucking walls for Benny.

The ultimate **** up for the club was losing the likes of Ennis, Stagg and Boyd to enable them to sign Izzy and have an out clause in his contract.Absolutely fucking lunacy.Whos bright fucking idea was that ?Now we have lost those players plus Izzy..and a potential replacement doesnt want to play for the fucking coach.

The two glaring problems at the club are Bruno parasitic **** Cullen and Ivan 'Brunos bumboy' Henjak.

Im pretty fucking sure Manchester United wont be replacing Sir Alex Ferguson with Mike fucking Phelan.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Insight said:
Attracting players to Brisbane is a bit easier than it is in Canberra.I'd speculate the climate, stadium, crowds,recent history and players like Hodges, Lockyer and Thaiday help.

Bennet built a club from scratch.From nothing.Henjak has all the infrastructure, scouting, feeder clubs and a history that should help attract, retain and develop top tier players at the club.He cant.Because Bennet was given time, probably based on making a GF with Canberra in his first year or perhaps winning comps in the QLD competition help, doesnt mean Henjak should.What has Henjak won as a coach ?The players dont even want to **** play for him, they would run through **** walls for Benny.

The ultimate **** up for the club was losing the likes of Ennis, Stagg and Boyd to enable them to sign Izzy and have an out clause in his contract.Absolutely **** lunacy.Whos bright **** idea was that ?Now we have lost those players plus Izzy..and a potential replacement doesnt want to play for the **** coach.

The two glaring problems at the club are Bruno parasitic **** Cullen and Ivan 'Brunos bumboy' Henjak.

Im pretty **** sure Manchester United wont be replacing Sir Alex Ferguson with Mike **** Phelan.

where would the Broncos be now if the board actually listened to fans like you, who were calling for Bennetts head after we missed the finals in 1991... not with 6 premierships, thats for sure. Bennett had a far superior roster to what Henjak was handed. in Bennetts first 4 years in charge he did nothing of note. Bellemy did nothing at the Storm early on (until the club started cheating) it takes rookie coaches several years to get the hang of NRL level coaching.

BTW, Inglis decided to break his word to Gee for one reason and one reason only MONEY

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