Broncos withdraw their two year offer to Greg Inglis

Je$ter said:
Ghibli said:
[quote="Je$ter":2kv41zjy]It's a real shame that the NRL is driving this guy out of the game. Sure you can say he's greedy or whatever, but if people are willing to pay the 3rd party money they should be allowed to market themselves to make it.

How are the NRL exactly "driving" him out of the game. They are applying the rules that EVERY player/club are subjected to...

Restricting the income he can earn.

Don't get me wrong a salary cap is vital or 75% of the clubs in the NRL would die, but there needs to be some leniency in terms of 3rd party arrangements. I cna't think of any other sport that restricts what players can earn when payments aren't made by the club or the clubs sponsors.[/quote:2kv41zjy]

The NRL really doesn't to this either. as long as the club didn't find the sponsor for the player (or is a club sponsor), then the player can earn whatever he can from these sponsors
Je$ter said:
Restricting the income he can earn.

Don't get me wrong a salary cap is vital or 75% of the clubs in the NRL would die, but there needs to be some leniency in terms of 3rd party arrangements. I cna't think of any other sport that restricts what players can earn when payments aren't made by the club or the clubs sponsors.

Yet the clubs have agreed to the rules of the salary cap & when caught out rorting it, they 'threaten' legal action.

The NRL aren't restricting any income, if the 3rd party arrangements are 100% genuine players can earn any amount they can.

GI is only earning that amount of money due to him & his club rorting the system.
And people say they do not believe in karma. Ahhh karma, it is a beautiful thing. [icon_evillaugh
Heard on the radio that Inglis is saying he is nearly broke & that's why he could go to AFL. [icon_lol1.

What a drama queen he is.

I don't think Gallop & co will fall for the I am poor story.
Kaz said:
Heard on the radio that Inglis is saying he is nearly broke & that's why he could go to AFL. [icon_lol1.

What a drama queen he is.

I don't think Gallop & co will fall for the I am poor story.

Yeah his word at present hardly stands for much, This is coming from the bloke that had a deal all ready for him to sign that would have seen him through the so called problems his saying he has now and proceeded to do a dump on it, no sympathy and he can go to AFL if his that needy I sure as hell won't miss him.
But he can't go to AFL, clubs can't sign players after the Draft has happened.

That's what makes his AFL story funny.

It's his ploy to get his own way & it's failing.

He will have to sit out a year.

Maybe some kind person, can make him a care package. [icon_evillaugh
I think the rumours are getting silly now. Surely we're not that dumb.
Heard this joke

There is a new sitcom being made, it's called Karma & Greg.
Theyre doing a remake of dumb and dumber. Starring Andrew gee and Bruno Cullen. (rumoured)
Hard to imagine us considering him after all that has happened. My god if we do get him he'd want to have a good year or it will be death by courier mail.
Ffs... said:
Hard to imagine us considering him after all that has happened. My god if we do get him he'd want to have a good year or it will be death by courier mail.

I really hope if he rang the club the response was "gee we'd like to but it's been raining and the computers aren't working so we can't print a contract".
Hahahaha that's gold. I was hoping for a more of a Get **** ed asshat.
Coxy said:
Ffs... said:
Hard to imagine us considering him after all that has happened. My god if we do get him he'd want to have a good year or it will be death by courier mail.

I really hope if he rang the club the response was "gee we'd like to but it's been raining and the computers aren't working so we can't print a contract".
I laughed [icon_lol1.
I really hope if he rang the club the response was "gee we'd like to but it's been raining and the computers aren't working so we can't print a contract".

I'd buy that for a dollar!!
Coxy said:
I really hope if he rang the club the response was "gee we'd like to but it's been raining and the computers aren't working so we can't print a contract".

Inglis is bound to have several blank contracts, he did at the Storm.


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