AGAINST PENALTY - Seemed like a legitimate charge down attempt with accidental contact (not a foul) on the kicker. Rabbitohs fans and the refs need a physics lesson. 110kgs running at full pace in the clutch of a game and diving is not going to stop on a dime.
FOR: Standing in the imaginary position behind Reynolds, Graham comes from his right side and manages to come at such an angle that he lands on Reynolds left foot. He can safely attempt the charge down by attacking the kick foot and the ball without coming into contact with the left foot which is prone and pivoted to the ground.
When you're a professional football player reared in the dirtiest sporting breeding ground in the world (UK super league), and be deemed the alpha in that environment, you've probably got some tricks up your sleeve and I wouldn't be suprised if their was intent to mame on behalf of Graham to take Reynolds out of a close one. His immediate reaction was a little too over the top.
Rules is rules. Precedent is set. No attacking the ball. In fact, applying the interpretation adopted here, even if the kicker is grazed or touched in anyway by the charge down attempt it should be a penalty.
The fact is that the decision is amplified by the circumstances.