Bulldogs vs Souths

I hate the dogs with a passion.

I fucking love James Graham as a player, he's got to be one of the toughest props out there. By no means is he the biggest or most skilful, but the bloke never gives up on the game and his team.

I can't see them recovering missing all these players.

The refs kit at the next Bulldogs game.

AGAINST PENALTY - Seemed like a legitimate charge down attempt with accidental contact (not a foul) on the kicker. Rabbitohs fans and the refs need a physics lesson. 110kgs running at full pace in the clutch of a game and diving is not going to stop on a dime.

FOR: Standing in the imaginary position behind Reynolds, Graham comes from his right side and manages to come at such an angle that he lands on Reynolds left foot. He can safely attempt the charge down by attacking the kick foot and the ball without coming into contact with the left foot which is prone and pivoted to the ground.

When you're a professional football player reared in the dirtiest sporting breeding ground in the world (UK super league), and be deemed the alpha in that environment, you've probably got some tricks up your sleeve and I wouldn't be suprised if their was intent to mame on behalf of Graham to take Reynolds out of a close one. His immediate reaction was a little too over the top.

Rules is rules. Precedent is set. No attacking the ball. In fact, applying the interpretation adopted here, even if the kicker is grazed or touched in anyway by the charge down attempt it should be a penalty.

The fact is that the decision is amplified by the circumstances.
And the reaction afterwards... Media beat up targeted at a group supposedly well-known for crowd violence.

If it happened on State of Origin night at Suncorp stadium you'd have special coverage from Wally Lewis lauding the Qlder passion or some equally inane shit. And replays of the cans raining down on Lang Park as some form of "patriotic" expression from Qld fans.

Was it just me or was the ref who slipped over (because he stepped on a metal grate with footy boots on) a different person to the guy being loaded into the ambulance?
IIRC, the official that was hit was the one that was helping the one who slipped
IIRC, the official that was hit was the one that was helping the one who slipped

The inference was the one who slipped injured his shoulder; that the projectile caused the broken shoulder.

Looking at the guy who got loaded into the amublance, he looked different to the touchie who slipped over.

i.e. was there a separate incident?
When the cans were thrown on the field during the Origin game, were they being thrown at the refs or were the crowd just throwing their stuff onto the ground? There is a difference between the two situations.
I don't care what anyone says, but the behaviour of the players and fans after the incident was a blight on the game in regards to the officials. How are we ever going to get people into refereeing if they see this type of behaviour and the worst of all is that it was a correct decision according to the rule book. The NRL needs to strip the dogs of points, fine the organisation and enforce the bans on Klemmer and Graham for the way they spoke to the refs. Also full criminal charges should be laid on the idiots who threw stuff at the refs. This wasn't passion, this was pure thuggery. Officials sometimes get it wrong but without them there is no game so they should be respected for having the guts to officiate in the first place.
To me stripping the Bulldogs of points don't make sense they didn't win the game so taking points of them from other games with no relevance to Friday just sounds strange.
To me stripping the Bulldogs of points don't make sense they didn't win the game so taking points of them from other games with no relevance to Friday just sounds strange.

I heard they signed a contract after those rape allegations saying they could lose points if they bring the game into disrepute again (I don't have any proof, just saw it on Twitter). Since then they've only done a million things wrong and got away with it.
Graham, Kasiano and Klemmer have all plead guilty and will be suspended
I heard they signed a contract after those rape allegations saying they could lose points if they bring the game into disrepute again (I don't have any proof, just saw it on Twitter). Since then they've only done a million things wrong and got away with it.

In a book about the Bulldogs I read a few years ago the contract meant they couldn't have any incidents till the end of 2006.
You can't strip points because if the Bulldogs are coming 8th towards the end of the season and we are 9th I will personally go to the match in. Bulldogs jersey and start throwing stuff at the ref.
Well I wouldn't but some would
Now I see why their fans have shut up.
The Bulldogs scored a try that was on the 7th tackle on Friday.

I'm assuming you're talking about the Morris try?

They got the ball from a bad pass which Reddy ended up knocking it to a Bulldogs player. That's zero tackle, isn't it?
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I'm assuming you're talking about the Morris try?

They got the ball from a knock on by Souths. That's zero tackle, isn't it?

It is being reported that the refs stuffed up there ... While it was a wayward pass from Reddy, the ball went backwards and was not knocked on by Souths. So the tackle count should have started from one not zero.