Bye Bye Bon Jovi

A shoulder driven tackle is where the player comes in low and hard with his arms ready to wrap the opposing player.

you might have a point if he was using both of his arms.

at which point in this did he attempt to come in with his arms ready to wrap the opposing player up?


this one is one of the grey area tackles that will cause endless confusion with this new rule IMO. its not a classic shoulder charge, but it is most certainly not a regular old shoulder driven tackle.
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I didn't think I would have to screenshot almost every frame but here are the ones missing.


Is that enough proof?
you might have a point if he was using both of his arms.

at which point in this did he attempt to come in with his arms ready to wrap the opposing player up?


this one is one of the grey area tackles that will cause endless confusion with this new rule IMO. its not a classic shoulder charge, but it is most certainly not a regular old shoulder driven tackle.


OK, this is rugby union, but it goes into tackling technique which applies equally in rugby league. Watch the slow motion'll note the shoulder his first, the arm connected to said shoulder is the first to make contact, and the free arm wraps afterwards.

That's exactly what was happening in the ad, just poorly.

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This argument is going no where. Coxy, Twiztid and AP, last post on the discussion will be allowed. That's all you get. Make it a good one.
I think my last screenshot with the original one, proves the process of the tackle, so I am done.
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Some of you here (ok one of you) would argue with Mother Teresa if she was still alive.
Some of you here (ok one of you) would argue with Mother Teresa if she was still alive.
No, I probably would as well.

I think in AP's case from previous experience, he keeps going around and around until he wears you out or you 100% provide proof he is wrong to change his mind. The knock on debate as an obvious example, where he was right on principle but wrong in application of the rulebook. Either way, you know what you are in for when you get into a discussion with him and sometimes you have to be the better man and call stumps or let the judge get involved. Nashy was playing judge today.
I personally think the ad is a load of shit. But I wasn't expecting much.

I think Jessica Mouboy or whatever she's called, is talentless. The kids in it, yeah, all well and good, but maybe start advertising real junior footy. The NRL doesn't need an ad. It's a massive wank.
I personally think the ad is a load of ****. But I wasn't expecting much.

I think Jessica Mouboy or whatever she's called, is talentless. The kids in it, yeah, all well and good, but maybe start advertising real junior footy. The NRL doesn't need an ad. It's a massive wank.
I don't know how you can call her talentless. She is probably one of the better ones that have came out of Australian Idol show. Her music is pop and rnb and if don't like it then you are going to frown upon her till the cows come home. She is a pretty good singer IMO and has had some pretty good success for someone who didn't even win Idol.

Frankly, I think the song is ok. It is an old popular song and is being used to not "stereotype" our game and make it appear more inviting to every member of society, mostly females and kids as they are the ones we need to attract more of. The lyrics of the song do suit our feelings for the game in a very G rated sort of way.

On the ad footage itself. I really thought they could have used a few more teams in it. The Bulldogs and the Storm at not the only team in the comp but I do understand that it is very hard to get the balance of game day footage and the public footage. I didn't think Mauboy needed to be in the ad at all. She very much could have done her own music video with extended footage of herself and then mixed in the NRL footage as well. Though that does "type cast" her music video as also being an advertisement for the NRL, which wouldn't be a bad thing if she gets some more International fame.
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If I had to pick a song itd probably be a nice chunk of dubstep (yeah futures days away). Bit of nice agile runners and ball play cruisy shit dropping into some solid face melting stuff with the big (legal) hits and finish with Barba tearing down some lines.
I gave a lot of likes in this thread, I am nice like that... :thumbup1:

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