Cam Smith

Speaking of Tegan.....tough break for her as well. I wonder if she really wants to be someones full time nurse for the rest of her life.

She says no to McKinnons proposal and she's a bitch.

She divorces him years later .....she's an even bigger bitch.

Tough spot to be put in.

Divorce him a year or two later, say it's for other reasons, take half his shit
I guess you have to look at the cold hard logic of it, if it's not something she can see herself doing for the rest of her life, rip the bandaid off.

She won't be the first or last to leave someone they love because of differences in lifestyle, however tragic.

Divorce him a year or two later, say it's for other reasons, take half his shit

ooh that's cold, i like you.
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So when McKinnon asks what would you do when lifted slightly, like the only option is to tuck his head, has he seen every other lifting tackle ever? Because I have never seen anyone react that way when lifted in a tackle. Have you guys?
Bryan Norrie didn't duck his head and he was put in the same situation.

He put his arm out which is what I've always seen players do.
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This has all got a bit off track from Smith's record tomorrow.

Anyway Smith v Lockyer.


Games 35
Games at hooker 35
Wins 21
Losses 14
Draws 0
Series wins 8
Tries 5
Goals 16
Field goals 0
Points 52
Line-breaks 7
Try assists 8
Runs 228
Meters 1884
Tackles 1386
Missed tackles 72
Offloads 10
Kicks 152
Errors 22
MOTM 5 (Game 2 2007, Game 1 2011, Game 3 2011, Game 2 2013, Game 1 2015)


Games 36
Games at fullback 16
Games at five eighth 20
Games as captain 22
Wins 19
Losses 15
Draws 2
Series wins 7
Tries 9
Goals 22
Field goals 2
Points 82
Line breaks 17
Try assists 20
Runs 346
Metres 2821
Tackles 505
Missed tackles 144
Offloads 43
Kicks 284
Errors 38
MOTM 3 (Game 3 2001, Game 2 2006 and Game 2 2010)

Two great players.
It could just be my bias but as great as Smith is i have him as the 3rd best QLD origin player of all time.

IMO it goes:

1. King Wally Lewis
2. Lord Darren Lockyer
3. Count Cam Smith

I'm now moving along in my thought process and starting to feel sorry for McKinnon. This injury is lifelong and it's effectively a "grieving" type situation. And a year on, he's clearly not through that process and nor should he be expected to be. It still looks like he wants someone to be angry at. And unfortunately, being angry at Smith works twofold - one being that he can't bear to entertain the thought that he somehow contributed to his own injury, and two being that Smith himself becomes the scapegoat. I would think sometime in the future he would regret what he's said, and regret how his thoughts have been manipulated by the media. As for his parents, who knows, maybe they're just going along with whatever Alex says, knowing that he needs support first, and guidance second.

Still, majorly sucks to be Smith. He doesn't deserve it, regardless of how I feel or anyone feels on previous actions. Just one of those situations you get in life where it's the situation that is fucked, no one deserves it, and it just needs to be recognised as such and move on.
I'm now moving along in my thought process and starting to feel sorry for McKinnon. This injury is lifelong and it's effectively a "grieving" type situation. And a year on, he's clearly not through that process and nor should he be expected to be. It still looks like he wants someone to be angry at. And unfortunately, being angry at Smith works twofold - one being that he can't bear to entertain the thought that he somehow contributed to his own injury, and two being that Smith himself becomes the scapegoat. I would think sometime in the future he would regret what he's said, and regret how his thoughts have been manipulated by the media. As for his parents, who knows, maybe they're just going along with whatever Alex says, knowing that he needs support first, and guidance second.

Still, majorly sucks to be Smith. He doesn't deserve it, regardless of how I feel or anyone feels on previous actions. Just one of those situations you get in life where it's the situation that is fucked, no one deserves it, and it just needs to be recognised as such and move on.

Agreed. In the meantime though, Alex McKinnon is a piece of knob cheese.
I wonder how this will affect Smith for tomorrow nights game ?

Will it make him unsure/uncertain, go into his shell a bit, or will it make him more determined to have a blinder and win us the series ?
I wonder how this will affect Smith for tomorrow nights game ?

Will it make him unsure/uncertain, go into his shell a bit, or will it make him more determined to have a blinder and win us the series ?

Well, if the salary cap scandal is anything to go by then he will have a blinder.

I'm sure he will be fine. He is experienced enough to block all of that out and just focus on the footy. It's not the first time he has been slammed in the media.
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All he needs to do is read about it online for 5 minutes to know that 90% of the fans are behind him 100%.

as long as he stays away from LU... a few guys are going off at him over there.
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