NEWS Cameron Smith announces retirement

That just doesn't sound right.. Titans as contenders... Maybe I have lived on the Gold Coast for too many years, supported too many Seagulls, Chargers, I forget the others... but I am predicting the wheels to fall off the Titan's wagon in 2021.. generally that's going to be a smarter bet year in year out with the coast. 12-12 with the Worriers in the first trial.. Not a great look :)

Just got back from a weekend at the coast, found out where all the Bali brigade are holidaying this year, very colourful cast of characters in Surfers :)

They aren't contenders presently, not unless they get Smith.
I don't think so, he could earn around a million after 3rd party deals in Brisbane. I think he's retired & I don't understand why hes turned it into a sideshow.
Has he though. He has been very consistent with his thoughts. He is torn, leave me alone to make a decision and every time he won't answer his phone the media throw out a headline.
Every week that passes the chances are greater he wont play and if he was training the media would know all about it.
I think more than half our team were on a non-compete contract last year. It’ll be interesting to see if they’re fair dinkum this year and willing to give it a red hot crack for 80 minutes each week.

Maybe there has been a non-compete clause inserted against the Storm in everyone's contract since 2011 or basically whenever White started.
The thing is, he has let this go on for too long, and no matter his decision now, he will look like a clown.
Sure the club that gets him if he doesn't retire will be happy about it, but that doesn't change the fact he has led multiple clubs, the NRL and the fans on a media circus merry go round.

If he retires, he will look a clown for not announcing it sooner and overshadowing the start of the season.
If he signs with a new club, he will look like a clown for completely omitting himself from any pre-season training with his new club.
I don't understand Smiths end game here, because for mine, he now looks like a tool no matter what his final decision is.

Hope he doesn't end up at the Broncos.
There is so much unwarranted hype on this Titans team... 1-17 they are middle of the road. Signing Smith would make them more competitive but they do not have the team that can challenge the top 4. If Smith thought he could win the competition and replicate Tom Brady with the Gold Coast he would've signed already.
I think this is purely financial for him and he'll sign for whoever can give him the likely stupid dollars that him and his management team are asking for.
Surely we'd be offering a 3-4 year deal of some sort, one season of playing and then join the coaching staff.
There is so much unwarranted hype on this Titans team... 1-17 they are middle of the road. Signing Smith would make them more competitive but they do not have the team that can challenge the top 4. If Smith thought he could win the competition and replicate Tom Brady with the Gold Coast he would've signed already.
I think this is purely financial for him and he'll sign for whoever can give him the likely stupid dollars that him and his management team are asking for.
Surely we'd be offering a 3-4 year deal of some sort, one season of playing and then join the coaching staff.
The NRL have specifically said that this won’t be allowed and will be investigated by anyone who signs Smith in a playing role. Unless that’s a false memory that I completely made up.
Never hold the NRL to what they say, they are the most incompetent and constantly changing ‘professional’ sporting competition in the world.
It still amuses me that the apparent reason they got rid of Gallop was he was 'too reactive' yet the bring in PVL who is the most reactive person I have ever seen yet they all praise him without question.
The thing is, he has let this go on for too long, and no matter his decision now, he will look like a clown.
Sure the club that gets him if he doesn't retire will be happy about it, but that doesn't change the fact he has led multiple clubs, the NRL and the fans on a media circus merry go round.

If he retires, he will look a clown for not announcing it sooner and overshadowing the start of the season.
If he signs with a new club, he will look like a clown for completely omitting himself from any pre-season training with his new club.
I don't understand Smiths end game here, because for mine, he now looks like a tool no matter what his final decision is.

Hope he doesn't end up at the Broncos.
Truthfully, he's also diminishing the value of himself to whichever club signs him up too because a big part of signing Smith is what he brings to the club commercially in driving interest, hype, memberships and corporate dollars, and the fact he's basically skipped the whole preseason where clubs would have been in hyperdrive with all that sort of stuff (well, every club except ours apparently) and the fact that Smith couldn't be part of any of that takes away a reasonable part of the value of signing him up in the first place.
Never hold the NRL to what they say, they are the most incompetent and constantly changing ‘professional’ sporting competition in the world.
You weren't allowed to play until you were 18 years old according to their rules, until Uncle Nick reminded them that you could now if he said so.
It still amuses me that the apparent reason they got rid of Gallop was he was 'too reactive' yet the bring in PVL who is the most reactive person I have ever seen yet they all praise him without question.
It's amazing what you can get the media to say about you when you help them get amazing commercial deals over the line behind closed doors.
Add his kicking game, game control, composure, leadership (perhaps the best leader of men I've seen on a football field), footy smarts, durability.... If I had to pick a one and only GOAT out of all those I've seen play, then Smith is it, and I've been watching for 40 odd years.
Locky had all of that, although definitely less game control than Smith.
But although he is behind Smith in game control, he is light years ahead of Smith in game breaking ability.
Nobody ever got close to Locky in his ability to literally snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.
So on balance, if I had to pick one and only GOAT out of everyone I have seen, Locky is my pick, and I've been watching a bloody long time too.
It's amazing what you can get the media to say about you when you help them get amazing commercial deals over the line behind closed doors.
Has anyone seen or heard of Webster since he dared to question the Great Man in print?