NEWS Cameron Smith announces retirement

FYI here is Badel's headline:

Retiring Storm legend Cameron Smith rejects Broncos for a third time​

looking for one final round of clicks from this whole soap opera ... i'll give it a miss
I have also rejected real Madrid, the Lakers and the Denver Broncos this week... easy to "reject" offers that were never presented...
Proof is right here, there are plenty of narcissists on Bhq. Not trolls either, pure narcissists. They are definitely 2 diifferent personality types.
BHQ resident psychologist has spoken, i take it back, Cam Smith is obviously 100% not a narcissist in any way.
BHQ resident psychologist has spoken, i take it back, Cam Smith is obviously 100% not a narcissist in any way.
Get you panties out of a twist or you will might get sand in your vagina. I’m sorry his announcement has affected you on a personal level. Stay strong brother, you’ll get through it.
Get you panties out of a twist or you will might get sand in your vagina. I’m sorry his announcement has affected you on a personal level. Stay strong brother, you’ll get through it.

Sand in your vagina? hehe you're a girl blah hah hah. That's good material.
Sand in your vagina? hehe you're a girl blah hah hah. That's good material.
Trust the lefty to find sexist remark in such an innocent comment. You must be miserable mate.

show of hands from the ladies on the forum... who got offended?
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I think he's destroyed a lot of his legacy over the past few years, but what a fucking pleasure to have been able to see this guys entire career.

Absolutely an utterly remarkable player. When's the statue being put up at Lang Park?
Trust the lefty to find sexist remark in such an innocent comment. You must be miserable mate.

show of hands from the ladies on the forum... who got offended?

Nah you're just basic that's all. How do you infer left/right from that? Have another drink mate (just don't drive).