OFFICIAL Carrigan signs until 2028

Champion lock forward Pat Carrigan will be a Bronco until at least the end of the 2028 season. The Wally Lewis Medal winner for Queensland's player of the series in last year's Origin triumph was already signed with the Broncos to the end 2024 - and he has now committed to a four-year extension in a huge show of faith in the club.

The 25-year-old's stellar form last season also saw him make his Kangaroos debut and go on to win the World Cup in England, his 2022 heroics all the more remarkable considering he was returning from a knee reconstruction that required a gruelling nine-month rehabilitation. During his breakout 2022 season, Carrigan averaged a huge 150 running metres (61 of those post-contact) and 32 tackles per game, as well as 21 tackle breaks and 19 offloads. A key member of Brisbane's Leadership Group and graduate of the Broncos Academy, Carrigan joins a host of teammates to commit to the club long-term.

Kev Walters:

"This is a great day for the Broncos because Pat embodies what we are about as a club and he is at the heart of what we are building here together. He has grown as a player through our club's Academy system, going on to captain our NYC team before graduating to the NRL squad and building into the player that he is today - and the impressive thing is that all he wants to do is continue to improve. We were all incredibly proud of what Pat achieved last year because we all saw how hard he worked to come back from serious injury, it was an inspiration to all of us here at the Broncos. He is a key part of everything we do and to have him commit to the Broncos for another four years is really special - I'm really excited for what lies ahead for both Pat and for everyone at our club.”​


"I love this club and I could never imagine leaving - we are building something special here together and I wanted to make a long-term commitment to be a part of that. A lot of us guys have been through the tough times together and now we are starting to show signs of what we can do if we work hard and work for each other. I'm here for the long haul and I'm excited about what we can achieve together over the years ahead.”​


International Rep
Oct 17, 2013
I chalked this one up as a rare win for Badel. He needed one. This is what he predicted:

"Brisbane recruitment-and-retention chiefs are mindful of the interest in Carrigan and are certain to begin extension talks to ensure the workhorse of the Broncos pack does not follow Farnworth and Flegler at the Red Hill exits."​
I don't understand this though given the Nov 1 restrictions:

"Craig Bellamy’s Storm and Ricky Stuart’s Raiders were among the clubs that had formally expressed interest in Carrigan, along with two Sydney-based clubs."​
Pat had re-signed before any of these articles were released. Therefore they had already begun talks and were no longer mindful of interest in him.

This is a Badel loss, like usual. The bloke has no idea.


NRL Player
May 10, 2014
Bade-L ... Nuff said there

Great news for the club, Pat is a player people want to play with.
Dazza 92

Dazza 92

NRL Captain
Oct 13, 2014
Great news - I get Lazarus vibes when he first signed from Canberra.

Not the same reasons though.

Lazzo was the final piece.

Patty though represents the leader of our forward pack, and a key part of the future Broncos spine.

In time, this moment will go down as a turning point for the club, just like Lazzos signing was...


State of Origin Captain
Jun 13, 2019
Great news - I get Lazarus vibes when he first signed from Canberra.

Not the same reasons though.

Lazzo was the final piece.

Patty though represents the leader of our forward pack, and a key part of the future Broncos spine.

In time, this moment will go down as a turning point for the club, just like Lazzos signing was...
Patty will be a top 3 player in our history, watch this space.


NRL Player
May 22, 2022
Wolfie was so right about carrigan. I've always loved patty too.


State of Origin Rep
Mar 13, 2017
see on nine website he gave away his boots to a little girl with an indigenous flag last night and said some words about him and the broncos support of latrell after the shit he copped on thursday
Mr Fourex

Mr Fourex

State of Origin Captain
Apr 9, 2012
Wolfie was so right about carrigan. I've always loved patty too.
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