Clinton got Lucky

Hmm, I wonder if the broncos are hoping he will, might be looking for some cap space to sign Myles.

Just felt like making up some juicy rumour..
The only POSSIBLE reason I can think of that there may not be more to this is because of the potential for sexual assault claims. It would be Clintons' word against her, and you all know how well league players have faired lately in that department.

However, I seriously think there is more to it than this...
Clinton won't be playing on Friday night.
I have no problem with the fine, he breached the code of conduct written into his contract. Made an example of it's just unfortunate that this event was the beginning (hopefully to an end) and hopefully this is a lesson for the rest of the Broncos team.
This has turned out to be a very expensive shag.

$50 000 is over the top, unless there is more to the story or this is not his first offense.

Bet he wishes he just kept his mouth shut now.

Still others did far worse and got off. Let's see if future punishments will be in line with this one.
He didn't keep his mouth shut, they caught him taking her to the room.
I can see alot of players leaving the NRL if this kind of garbage continues... 50k fine for having a chick in a hotel room ffs wake up Bruno your a tool no player in there right mind will want to come and play at the Broncos at this rate.
Too bad. He knows the rules. He's read the papers.

May this be a lesson to the rest of the players. Pull your heads in.
Yeah, he knew the rules and he choose to break them. $50,000 seems pretty harsh but it's probably six weeks pay, better than no pay at all for a year.
Wow, that's way too harsh. ... 50 grand......
10k or 20k would of been fair enough but 50k is a lot of money and like 10 weeks pay.. ouch.
I wonder why Michaels and Kenny got off with nothing yet Clinton got 50k out of his bank.
i would be surprised if they actually take this amount of money off him. its probably a media beat up to show that the broncos are strict. This is the NRL not the NBA. 50,000 is alot of money as opposed to half a days work in the NBA.
But it's not the Bruno Christmas party charity. :P
Nashy said:
Too bad. He knows the rules. He's read the papers.

May this be a lesson to the rest of the players. Pull your heads in.

Couldn't agree more