Cocaine Scandal

The people I feel most for in this situation are the player's families. They are (presumably) innocent in all this. Despite what we may think of them as men or players, Bird is recently married, Taylor has a young family, not to mention immediate relatives that will be affected as well.
The people I feel most for in this situation are the player's families. They are (presumably) innocent in all this. Despite what we may think of them as men or players, Bird is recently married, Taylor has a young family, not to mention immediate relatives that will be affected as well.

Their supporters are also the victims. They deserve better than this.

His Coke went down the wrong way
The only surprising thing is that this hasn't been swept under the rug. Anyone who's ever been out with NRL players around can definitely add a few names to the coke users list.
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What's the diff between being arrested and being charged to appear in court?
Actual arrests are pretty uncommon nowadays. They only really get used for warrants, offenders who are violent towards police and serious crimes. Police don't want the hassle and responsibility of having an offender in custody if it's not necessary. I'm assuming Falloon, Dowling, Hunt and company were issued with notices to appear, which is a form of charging someone that doesn't necessitate an arrest for co-operative suspects. The most likely scenario here is that the players were asked to go to the station to be interviewed and were charged straight after and allowed to go home. No cuffs, no watch house, no aggravation.