Cocaine Scandal


[h=1]Gold Coast Titans drug scandal: Club hid five positive doping tests after 2007 Mad Monday celebrations[/h]
Sport Confidential can reveal Titans management covered-up the results of the in-house testing the day after Mad Monday, which jagged one big-name player and four other members of the club’s NRL roster.

None of the players in question are still employed at the Titans, but all were issued with a written employment warning and fined five per cent of their contracts.
Under the Titans previous management structure, the club decided to covertly target test its entire roster the morning after Mad Monday.
No players were made aware of the impending drug tests, but some became flustered when informed they were about to become subject to a urine test.
Intent on avoiding a public-relations nightmare, the Titans opted to bury the five positive results.
We spoke to one former player who confirmed the results.
None of the players currently charged with drugs supply were at the Titans at the time.
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Call me heartless but just fold the club and start up a new franchise in Perth, the Titans are beyond redemption.
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Gold Coast Titans drug scandal: Club hid five positive doping tests after 2007 Mad Monday celebrations

Sport Confidential can reveal Titans management covered-up the results of the in-house testing the day after Mad Monday, which jagged one big-name player and four other members of the club’s NRL roster.

None of the players in question are still employed at the Titans, but all were issued with a written employment warning and fined five per cent of their contracts.
Under the Titans previous management structure, the club decided to covertly target test its entire roster the morning after Mad Monday.
No players were made aware of the impending drug tests, but some became flustered when informed they were about to become subject to a urine test.
Intent on avoiding a public-relations nightmare, the Titans opted to bury the five positive results.
We spoke to one former player who confirmed the results.
None of the players currently charged with drugs supply were at the Titans at the time.

Well that sure as hell blew up in their faces didn't it.
The NRL took control of a club that covered up positive drug tests... It's not going to look good for them.

If I were Smith, I would just rid of the Titans.
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I actually truly feel for Graham Annesley and Rebecca Frizelle... they inherited a fucking hornet's nest, and as soon as they turn to one side, they get stung from the other!
This may have happened with the AFL as well but they have the three strikes policy meaning this kind or news will never get out, hence why league cops the brunt of this kind of news.
This may have happened with the AFL as well but they have the three strikes policy meaning this kind or news will never get out, hence why league cops the brunt of this kind of news.

They still publish the results- 26 positive results from 1979 tests. The AFL three strikes is only for out of competition- training and off-season and isn't carried out by the clubs.

This is seperate to match day social drugs and performance enhancing drugs, which are no three strikes.

First and second strike for out competition social drugs- AFL and club doctor informed. Player is unable to be reported for third strike while being treated.

Third strike eligable once completed treatment- $5000 and suspended for 17 games and public and club informed.

The AFL policy is actually what a lot of people on here seem to be calling for- hard on performance enhacing but more treatmeant and help based for social drugs.
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Gee, what a surprise, another thing where the AFL is so much better organised than the NRL.

If our core product wasn't this good, we would've been swallowed by rival codes by now...
8 years ago, no players currently employed and different administration, it's barely relevant. Another bullshit beat up from journos
making a living from digging through peoples garbage.
8 years ago, no players currently employed and different administration, it's barely relevant. Another bull**** beat up from journos
making a living from digging through peoples garbage.

I think it is relevant though. Had they taken a harder stance back then, maybe they wouldn't in such a mess now. Sure it's a different administration, but doesn't mean they the current administration wouldn't have benefited from the culture the old administration built.

Do you honestly think Bird and co just tried coke for the first time during this current off season? Looks like it was happening at the titans during their first ever mad Monday, and also their most recent. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it probably happened at every one in between too, and the current crop of players to get done got stuck in to it somewhere in between.

It's obviously pure speculation, but maybe a harder stance up front might have saved all this drama. Oh noes, they got fined 5% of their contract/house. They probably snorted more than 5% of their contract anyway.