Cocaine Scandal

Re: Karmichael Hunt charged with supplying Cocaine

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Re: Karmichael Hunt charged with supplying Cocaine

Next bit of speculation or name dropping will be an instant ban. Final warning. Look at all the fucking edits in this thread.
Re: Karmichael Hunt charged with supplying Cocaine

Next bit of speculation or name dropping will be an instant ban. Final warning. Look at all the fucking edits in this thread.

It is still being said by @telegraph_sport on Twitter that Beau Falloon was arrested. It is not speculation.
Re: Karmichael Hunt charged with supplying Cocaine

Why not just close the thread then? You know people are going to guesstimate. Lock it and post updates.

I mean a forum is to discuss issues. If we can't discuss the meat of this issue why even have a topic on it?
Re: Karmichael Hunt charged with supplying Cocaine

Why not just close the thread then? You know people are going to guesstimate. Lock it and post updates.

I mean a forum is to discuss issues. If we can't discuss the meat of this issue why even have a topic on it?

You can't just name people. It's illegal. That's why. Discuss all you like, just don't drop names without a source.

Cult, I know its tough on mobile, but BHQ and other sites have had issues in the past with defamation, and it's not a road we plan to go down again.
Re: Karmichael Hunt charged with supplying Cocaine

You can't just name people. It's illegal. That's why. Discuss all you like, just don't drop names without a source.
I am aware of why and the legal ramifications of it, but the point is, people are going to speculate, either directly or indirectly, that's the nature of these types of topics.

You either let people do it, or you close the thread and govern what is and isn't said.
Re: Karmichael Hunt charged with supplying Cocaine

These threads are in place so members can discuss the actual news and keep updated as the story progresses.

They're not designed to conduct your own witch hunts and drag innocent names through the mud. We'd expect better from long standing members who were here during the ASADA investigation where a similar approach was adopted.

If you have any further questions or points direct them towards Staff Chat, otherwise this thread is for discussing the fallout of the Karmichael Hunt situation.
Re: Karmichael Hunt charged with supplying Cocaine

Wow. Just wow. This is an absolute tragic day for the sport and am still in disbelieve. When you think of all the children who look up to karmichael and then his goes and does something stupid like this. Unbelievable. There's gona be a whole lot of parents considering pulling their child out of rugby now I imagine. Very sad for all concern.
Re: Karmichael Hunt charged with supplying Cocaine

Wow. Just wow. This is an absolute tragic day for the sport and am still in disbelieve. When you think of all the children who look up to karmichael and then his goes and does something stupid like this. Unbelievable. There's gona be a whole lot of parents considering pulling their child out of rugby now I imagine. Very sad for all concern.

Do children even play Rugby or do they just play league until high school, get offered a rugby scholarship and then claim to be geniuses because they went to private schools because they were good at sport, not their education?
Re: Karmichael Hunt charged with supplying Cocaine

Do children even play Rugby or do they just play league until high school, get offered a rugby scholarship and then claim to be geniuses because they went to private schools because they were good at sport, not their education?
If you idolize a sportsperson, you're an idiot imo.

They aren't and should never be role models.
Re: Karmichael Hunt charged with supplying Cocaine

The Titans just can't take a trick. Battling for a major sponsor and throwing $$ at DCE and this happens. They must be cursed.
Re: Karmichael Hunt charged with supplying Cocaine

Nothing has been confirmed about any Titans players being involved by the looks of it.

They could be alright.
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Re: Karmichael Hunt charged with supplying Cocaine

The Titans just can't take a trick. Battling for a major sponsor and throwing $$ at DCE and this happens. They must be cursed.

It's called karma
Re: NRL Players in hot water

Supplying is supplying whether you know the people or not. Is murder any less murder if they are your friends?

The scary thing is if it was just for friends, the people that are involved are likely friends with other league players. Which isn't to say that fellow players are there only friends, but I wouldn't be surprised if this drags on for a long time.
Re: Karmichael Hunt charged with supplying Cocaine

If you idolize a sportsperson, you're an idiot imo.

They aren't and should never be role models.


They are playing a sport that is very much in the public eye in Australia and there behaviour reflects the clubs standards and morales and if they behave poorly it puts the club in a bad light. A lot of young kids and aspiring footballers look up to the players of the club and except them to do the right thing all the time. If I was coaching an NRL team or any sports team the behaviour of my players and their image in the public eye would be one of my biggest priorities.
Re: NRL Players in hot water

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