1. Barba + 6. Milford > 1. Boyd + 6. Milford
Barba has a huge upside, is an exciting player to watch, and has a massive "multiplier effect" when the team is playing well. Crowds want to see Barba play. Kids want to be Barba. He's laughing when the clubs going well, he plays on confidence.
Nobody wants to watch Boyd play.
The semi when Hodges was going off, Barba was right there.
You can't have the talent inside of you to be as devastating as Barba was in 2012 and not be able to replicate it. It wasn't a fluke. A full off-season under his belt, lose some weight, get his pace back, a proper 5/8, some fucking confidence instilled in him by the coach and Barba can be huge.
Jarryd Hayne had only glimpses of brilliance between 2009 and 2014. 5 years between god-like seasons. We turf Barba after 2.
I fucking don't want Boyd back at the club. He's a nothing. A depressed, troubled, arrogant nothing. A Gerrard Beale, Josh Hoffman, Joel Moon, Stuart Kelly, Broncos nothing.
See you in 2020 when the damage of Bennett's return has abated and we've finally recovered to some semblence of a title force. That is, if the Brisbane Bombers aren't the flavour of the month.