God they find some weird hills to die on. His last ever game. He has one of the best of the season and they whinge about this?
God, it's been an awful year, players breaking curfew, others obviously not fit, and we choose a pink cloud to get worked up on seasons end.
Thank god Morris is gone.
After that horrible year what do they want? Players to role over into the dirt and die? You move on, and any levity will help put this season at their backs.
There's a very great good chance that a lot of those players will have played their past game together. For some they weren't good enough, others they have come to the end and others still are looking to new horizons. A little impromptu humour after the seasons last game and now Morris is upset.
How about getting cranky with the blokes that signed a rookie coach to a 5 million dollar deal or the ones that thought a bunch of rookies and has beens could cut it? Most of all how about being upset about people who have lost all sight of what football is all about and think a spreadsheet lies at the game's heart.
Speaking of heart, that's what's missing with this club. That human thing that means someone cares. You don't find it from a promotional video or a carefully orchestrated press conference, but sometimes in team mates having a little laugh with each other when the chips are down and all you have is each other.