THE BOSS Dave Donaghy - Broncos CEO

Article in the courier mail with the Storm chair Tripp calling Broncos targeting many Storm staff (Bellamy, Donaghy, Smith) embarrassing before saying he expects Dave Donaghy to repay the faith they put in him and stay. To me that says he doesn't believe he will currently and is nervous.

Go **** yourself Tripp. Headhunting of staff has been happening since day dot and what makes him think Storm staff are out of bounds to other clubs and organisations! What is really embarrassing (as he calls it) is his club being stripped of 2 premierships previously for cheating (how's that boat going Cam)?

Arrogant ***** some of those Storm mob are.
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Article in the courier mail with the Storm chair Tripp calling Broncos targeting many Storm staff (Bellamy, Donaghy, Smith) embarrassing before saying he expects Dave Donaghy to repay the faith they put in him and stay. To me that says he doesn't believe he will currently and is nervous.

Tripp comes across as a little bitch.
Melbourne having a dig at us trying to poach. If you want to be the best, you’ve got to poach the best.
Not to mention many of their players have come out of our system.
Then you’ve got Bellamy who was an assistant at Brisbane before he left to go to Melbourne..

Here’s hoping we get as many as possible to jump ship from Melbourne to Brisbane.
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Melbourne having a dig at us trying to poach. If you want to be the best, you’ve got to poach the best.
Not to mention many of their players have come out of our system.
Then you’ve got Bellamy who was an assistant at Brisbane before he left to go to Melbourne..

Here’s hoping we get as many as possible to jump ship from Melbourne to Brisbane.
And don't forget, the Storm starting DNA was very much bronco related - Ribot, Chris Johns, Lazarus, Bellamy (later). Pot kettle black scenario here.
Article in the courier mail with the Storm chair Tripp calling Broncos targeting many Storm staff (Bellamy, Donaghy, Smith) embarrassing before saying he expects Dave Donaghy to repay the faith they put in him and stay. To me that says he doesn't believe he will currently and is nervous.

he says (among other things):

“To try to run off the playbook of the Melbourne Storm is one thing, then to go after the captain, coach and chief executive is a little bit boring and shows a lack of creativity from a supposed powerhouse. They are embarrassing themselves.

I got news for you Mr. Tripp ... this isn't a creative industry, it's a business. and when your business has a vacancy (especially at such a high level) you go after the best ... that's what "powerhouse" organisations do.

you're a businessman, you should already know this
Go **** yourself Tripp. Headhunting of staff has been happening since day dot and what makes him think Storm staff are out of bounds to other clubs and organisations! What is really embarrassing (as he calls it) is his club being stripped of 2 premierships previously for cheating (how's that boat going Cam)?

Arrogant ***** some of those Storm mob are.

Arrogant ***** you say...??

Perfect, exactly what we need, bring him in...

Makes me think, this Storm CEO must understand that in a year or 2 the writing is on the wall for the Storm with no Smith & Bellamy....good time to start somewhere where the only way is up, unlike the Storm when those 2 Gentleman vacate...
he says (among other things):

“To try to run off the playbook of the Melbourne Storm is one thing, then to go after the captain, coach and chief executive is a little bit boring and shows a lack of creativity from a supposed powerhouse. They are embarrassing themselves.

I got news for you Mr. Tripp ... this isn't a creative industry, it's a business. and when your business has a vacancy (especially at such a high level) you go after the best ... that's what "powerhouse" organisations do.

you're a businessman, you should already know this

He does know what he is talking about though, Storm had very creative accountants.

I say go all out to get the best, couldn't care less who gets stepped on, Tripp sounds extremely worried.
Article in the courier mail with the Storm chair Tripp calling Broncos targeting many Storm staff (Bellamy, Donaghy, Smith) embarrassing before saying he expects Dave Donaghy to repay the faith they put in him and stay. To me that says he doesn't believe he will currently and is nervous.
Ya know what's embarrassing Tripp?
  • Having a season as bad as ours and not pulling out all stops to change it
  • Systematically cheating the salary cap, having premierships stripped from you
  • Complaining that those premierships should be recognized
  • Whinging like a whiny little bitch
yea i got a feeling tripp will regret those comments. make the storm come off as unprofessional and worried.

I dont know how any one can call it embarrassing to try and poach the best in the business. if anything it shows we are not being arrogant and accept we suck and need to go outside our bubble to get the best.

storm did it to us when they first started because we at the time were the benchmark. Now the storm is and im glad the board is trying to go after the best whether they get them or not at least they are giving it a real go.

makes me feel a little more positive about our future knowing they are not taking this lightly and are at least aiming for the top
We’ve been a basket case since the white anting of Bennett started.
We still made the finals though and it wasn't as shit this year, and something is being done.
Some teams have gone through this shit for years, just a perspective is needed imo
1 fucking year and we're a basket case? **** me , and then we try to right the wrongs and you whinge about it.

Not just on the field, but off it as well. Did this roster’s issues just arrive this year? Have these sh*thouse player / coaching contracts started in the last 12 months?

58 blot in a semi-final last year and the club does nothing. 59 blot this year and the club still does nothing.

Have we been professional on previous coaching selections? The ones where White / Lockyer didn’t even turn up to some of the interviews?

How about our accountability for our poor decisions? Or complete lack thereof. They couldn’t even find the wherewithal to sack Pies, let alone a single player in the club. They had to negotiate him voluntarily standing aside...

The talk for years about how things are going to be fixed, but nothing has...

This enough to qualify as a basket-case?
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