OFFICIAL Dave Donaghy Named New Broncos CEO



Senior Staff
Sep 6, 2013
Kevvie said DD and himself are both on the same page and their focus is getting the right people in the right position in regards to staff. I think they understand the source of the problem and Nolan's days at the Broncos are numbered. Hopefully they also remove Locky out of the boardroom and recruitment committee and into a halves/kicking coach.

Kevvie has prove to be very unreliable in what he says thus far this year.


NRL Player
Feb 25, 2015
Kevvie has prove to be very unreliable in what he says thus far this year.
This exactly, saying nothing is better than saying the wrong thing. He needs media coaching badly. All these false hopes and crappy info he puts out just utterly destroys his credibility.


International Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Kevvie said DD and himself are both on the same page and their focus is getting the right people in the right position in regards to staff. I think they understand the source of the problem and Nolan's days at the Broncos are numbered. Hopefully they also remove Locky out of the boardroom and recruitment committee and into a halves/kicking coach.

You do know that neither DD nor Kevvie have the power to remove any board member... only News Corp do


State of Origin Rep
Jun 5, 2019
This exactly, saying nothing is better than saying the wrong thing. He needs media coaching badly. All these false hopes and crappy info he puts out just utterly destroys his credibility.
"Dearden is the future of the club"
" I'm confident we will keep Xavier"

Kevvie seems like a great bloke but as Skathen said, he needs media coaching as he looks a fool with these constant media announcements that keep backfiring.

Its at the point now that if Kevvie comes out and says "Haas will be a Bronco for life" i would expect him to be announced signing elsewhere within the month.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
Kevvie said DD and himself are both on the same page and their focus is getting the right people in the right position in regards to staff. I think they understand the source of the problem and Nolan's days at the Broncos are numbered. Hopefully they also remove Locky out of the boardroom and recruitment committee and into a halves/kicking coach.

Retention has been disgraceful but talent spotting has been pretty top shelf. We unearthed some of the best forwards in the game in Haas, Fifita, and Piakura. We had Walsh but lost him. Coates is one of, if not the best young outside back not named To’o.
Dearden showed plenty of potential before Seibs ruined him. Someone identified Walker as worth signing, we just botched the execution.

Someone is finding the right players, we just aren’t managing, retaining, or developing them correctly. I’m not sure who’s fault that is. Probably Seibold to an extent and White - the damage they’ve done to the club can’t be overstated.


State of Origin Rep
Jan 8, 2018
"Dearden is the future of the club"
" I'm confident we will keep Xavier"

Kevvie seems like a great bloke but as Skathen said, he needs media coaching as he looks a fool with these constant media announcements that keep backfiring.

Its at the point now that if Kevvie comes out and says "Haas will be a Bronco for life" i would expect him to be announced signing elsewhere within the month.
Yeh that’s twice in a number of weeks Kevvie has said we are retaining players and the exact opposite has happened.

He needs to sort that aspect of his communications with the supporter base as talking shit like that - I don’t know about anyone else but it dismissed his credibility in my eyes.


QCup Player
Feb 9, 2017
Yeh that’s twice in a number of weeks Kevvie has said we are retaining players and the exact opposite has happened.

He needs to sort that aspect of his communications with the supporter base as talking shit like that - I don’t know about anyone else but it dismissed his credibility in my eyes.
Lets face it KW is a patsy for the board. Imo he has lost all credibility. He announced to all and sundry straight after the Cows game that he was confident Coates was staying. At the same time Coates was telling his team mates he was off. Don't think KW has a clue whats going on he is just towing the company line as a caretaker coach and at the end of his contract it will be cya Kevvie.


State of Origin Rep
Jun 5, 2019
Retention has been disgraceful but talent spotting has been pretty top shelf. We unearthed some of the best forwards in the game in Haas, Fifita, and Piakura. We had Walsh but lost him. Coates is one of, if not the best young outside back not named To’o.
Dearden showed plenty of potential before Seibs ruined him. Someone identified Walker as worth signing, we just botched the execution.

Someone is finding the right players, we just aren’t managing, retaining, or developing them correctly. I’m not sure who’s fault that is. Probably Seibold to an extent and White - the damage they’ve done to the club can’t be overstated.
There is no denying Seibold was not great for the club, but i think too much blame has been put on him for this mess.

The rot started well before he got here, and has festered ever since.
Off the top of my head, i cant recall the last truly successful signing we have had.
Milford has been a failure, Bird was a failure.

We have signed no one of note in at least 5 years, and have lost a host of talent in the same period.
The best Broncos can say is we have retained some talent in the form of Haas and TPJ, while overspending on players like Lodge, and losing the likes of Fifta and now Coates.

There is something seriously wrong at the Broncos, and it has been like this for far too long.
We all know certain individuals on the board need to be shown the door, but how that is played out and put into motion is anyone's guess.


State of Origin Rep
Jan 8, 2018
Lets face it KW is a patsy for the board. Imo he has lost all credibility. He announced to all and sundry straight after the Cows game that he was confident Coates was staying. At the same time Coates was telling his team mates he was off. Don't think KW has a clue whats going on he is just towing the company line as a caretaker coach and at the end of his contract it will be cya Kevvie.
Whether he is the boards patsy or not remains to be seen, consider for a minute that he was, why would the board instruct him to deny either player was leaving when they knew that the opposite was the reality?

That whole scenario just doesn’t make any sense at all.


Just a Game
Aug 28, 2010
Whether he is the boards patsy or not remains to be seen, consider for a minute that he was, why would the board instruct him to deny either player was leaving when they knew that the opposite was the reality?

That whole scenario just doesn’t make any sense at all.

Yeah it’s a head scratcher. Maybe Kev saying that feels he’s sending a clear message that he isn’t to blame for the players leaving and puts the pressure on others at the club.

“The coach really wants this player to stay and sees them as part of the clubs long term plans. The fact he’s still leaving means something at the club is wrong or the player is disloyal”



State of Origin Rep
Jan 8, 2018
Yeah it’s a head scratcher. Maybe Kev saying that feels he’s sending a clear message that he isn’t to blame for the players leaving and puts the pressure on others at the club.

“The coach really wants this player to stay and sees them as part of the clubs long term plans. The fact he’s still leaving means something at the club is wrong or the player is disloyal”

Add to this the story that DD was sitting down with Coates and his manager to try to persuade him to stay suggest they knew he was going all along. His ‘trip’ to Melbourne to view the facilities did not add up to the ten days cooling off period either so must have signed before this. Was it way back when he was pictured with Belly and the Storm kept his signature until such times as DD was working actively with us to embarrass him.

if that was the case Coates had already signed when he came out with the trash about sticking with the club etc. which makes him even more of two-faced weakling.


NRL Captain
Mar 4, 2008
It was interesting to see on the weekend that the only two clubs that didn’t use their own sponsorship background for the post game presser were the Knights & the Broncos. It’s a very small thing but I think it says a bit about the professionalism of the club atm, things are being missed.
I bleed Maroon

I bleed Maroon

International Rep
Apr 17, 2013
It was interesting to see on the weekend that the only two clubs that didn’t use their own sponsorship background for the post game presser were the Knights & the Broncos. It’s a very small thing but I think it says a bit about the professionalism of the club atm, things are being missed.

Not that surprising. This club has been a shambling zombie for the better part of 5 years.


NRL Captain
Mar 4, 2008
Not that surprising. This club has been a shambling zombie for the better part of 5 years.
Not when it comes to sponsors, they are usually pretty innovative in finding ways to give them more exposure. Some clubs started doing it in round 1, so the Broncos sponsors have missed out for the last 5 away games. Like I said, it's a little thing, but I think it does show how rudderless the club has been the last year with the whole ceo saga & covid redundancies.


International Captain
Jan 25, 2013
Not that surprising. This club has been a shambling zombie for the better part of 5 years.

Agree. At my kid's footy Gala Day last year, where all the teams from the region go and play up to 5 games against each other, they all got called up at the end for some freebies. It included a fruit drink and a Titans poster. This was firmly in Brisbane territory, none of the teams were anywhere near the coast or one of their regions.

The conspiracy theorist in me wanted to believe it was the NRL's doing, as it was a PlayNRL showcase event, however I'm just as likely to believe that the Titans have been going hard in their marketing while the Broncos have fallen asleep in their boardroom.
Bull Shark

Bull Shark

State of Origin Rep
Jun 4, 2008
Agree. At my kid's footy Gala Day last year, where all the teams from the region go and play up to 5 games against each other, they all got called up at the end for some freebies. It included a fruit drink and a Titans poster. This was firmly in Brisbane territory, none of the teams were anywhere near the coast or one of their regions.

The conspiracy theorist in me wanted to believe it was the NRL's doing, as it was a PlayNRL showcase event, however I'm just as likely to believe that the Titans have been going hard in their marketing while the Broncos have fallen asleep in their boardroom.
That is comical


NRL Captain
Jun 2, 2017
It was interesting to see on the weekend that the only two clubs that didn’t use their own sponsorship background for the post game presser were the Knights & the Broncos. It’s a very small thing but I think it says a bit about the professionalism of the club atm, things are being missed.
****, there's a shock - we do things as unprofessionally as the Knights, despite turning over probably x 3 times what they do.

Thanks Paul White for setting such a good standard.
I bleed Maroon

I bleed Maroon

International Rep
Apr 17, 2013
Does anyone know where Paul White ended up apart from the Olympic bid? I want to sit back and watch him burn his next gig to the ground.


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